Tag: hard cider

Author: Marshall Schott Brülosophy recently passed its 10 year anniversary, though it’s likely few were aware of this, as it

Cold crashing is a technique involving the reduction of beer temperature once fermentation is complete with the aim of dropping

Author: Alex Shanks-Abel Living organism that it is, yeast operates most efficiently under certain conditions, and one of the most

One year ago, Martin became a contributor of Brülosophy, leaving behind The Homebrew Challenge channel he’d spent years building to

Author: Jordan Folks Named for the aromatic dance of tropical fruit it imparts to beer, Zamba is the first proprietary

Most beer recipes call for a 60 minute mash rest. But why? And what happens if you mash for less

Author: Will Lovell Hops are arguably a requisite ingredient in beer, providing the bitterness necessary for balancing the malt sweetness,

Over hundreds of exBEERiments, we’ve had tasters compare beers made with less conventional brewing practices to those made the “right”

Author: Steve Thanos Back in September 2023, my wife and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary by dining at our

Homebrewers have come up with many clever ways to save money on their hobby, from unique processes to convenient contraptions.


Author: Mike Neville The trusty ‘ol hydrometer– a fragile glass tube with graduated markings that’s used for measuring the relative

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