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Latest Episodes
Episode 368 | AvgBrü Reviews #12: American Amber Ale
Episode 367 | exBEERience: Planning & Running Brewing Events
Contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss their experiences planning and running different brewing events.
Episode 366 | Gelatin Fining An American IPA
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about the impact fining with gelatin has on an American IPA, and they review the results of an xBmt looking into this topic.
Impact Fining With Gelatin Has On An American IPA xBmt
Episode 365 | Short & Shoddy: Brown IPA
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about the dark hoppy style known as Brown IPA as well as what tasters thought of a version made using Short & Shoddy methods.
Episode 364 | Lager Fermentation Temperature: Imperial Yeast L17 Harvest
Contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to chat about the impact of fermentation temperature when making a German Pilsner with Imperial Yeast L17 Harvest.
Fermentation Temperature: Imperial Yeast L17 Harvest In A German Pils
Episode 363 | Brü’s Views: 2024
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to discuss their views on all that went down with Brülosophy as well as the greater world of beer and brewing in 2024.
Episode 362 | Yeast Freshness When Pitching Direct From The Package
Contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to chat about the importance of yeast freshness with pitching direct from the pack, as well as an xBmt comparing beers made with fresh and older yeast.
Impact Yeast Freshness When Direct Pitching Has On A Strong Bitter
Episode 361 | exBEERience: Brewing Different Batch Sizes
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to discuss their experiences different batch smizes, both smaller and larger than typical 5 gallons/19 liters.
Episode 360 | Brü & A #36
We’ve made it to episode 360, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! This week, contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to answer a handful of questions submitted by Brülosophy Patrons and listeners.
Episode 359 | Brewing With Oats: Old Fashioned vs. Quick In An Oatmeal Stout
Contributor Steve Thanos joins Marshall to chat about the use of oats in brewing, focusing specifically on the differences between old fashioned and quick oats, and going over an xBmt on the topic.
Grain Comparison: Old Fashioned Oats vs. Quick Oats In An Oatmeal Stout
Episode 358 | Live Q&A with Will Lovell
Brülosophy’s Will Lovell has contributed over 50 articles, co-hosted about as many episodes of this podcast, and maintains a position on the leadership team for The Brü Club. It’s safe to say he has helped to make Brülosophy what it is today. This week, we’re sharing the live Q&A session Will did with Patrons of Brülosophy back in September 2024.
Episode 357 | Short & Shoddy: American Light Lager
Contributor Alex Shanks-Abel joins Marshall to chat about the crushably delicious style known as American Light Lager as well as what tasters thought of a version made using Short & Shoddy methods.
Short & Shoddy American Light Lager
Episode 356 | AvgBrü Reviews #11: Festbier
For this quarter, members of The Brü Club chose Festbier as the AvgBrü style, and a group of members were selected to have their versions reviewed by Tim, Justin, Craig, and Marshall.
Episode 355 | Smoked Malt: Beechwood vs. Cherrywood
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about different types of smoked malts and the unique impact they have on beer.
Smoked Malt: Beechwood vs. Cherrywood In A Rauchbier xBmt
Episode 354 | Brü’s Views: Evolution Of The IPA
Contributor Jordan Folks joins Marshall to discuss their views on the evolution of the popular style known as IPA, going over the changes they’ve observed over the years while sharing their opinions on the various sub-styles.
Episode 353 | Hop Crop Year: 2018 vs. 2020 Triumph Hops
Contributor Steve Thanos joins Marshall to chat about hop crop year, going over an xBmt comparing Triumph hops from the 2018 and 2020 harvests.
Impact Using Old Triumph Hops Has On An American IPA
Episode 352 | exBEERience: Brewing & Beer Events
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to discuss their experiences attending various brewing & beer events over the years.
Episode 351 | Water Chemistry: Different Mineral Profiles In An Irish Stout
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about the impact different mineral profiles in brewing water have on an Irish Stout.
Impact Different Mineral Profiles Have On Dry Irish Stout xBmt
Episode 350 | Brü & A #35
We’re at episode 350, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to answer a bunch of listener submitted questions.
Episode 349 | Short & Shoddy: Wee Heavy
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about the classic Scottish ale known as Wee Heavy as well as what tasters thought of a version made using Short & Shoddy methods.
Episode 348 | Using Czech Pilsner Malt In A Czech Pale Lager
Contributor Jordan Folks joins Marshall to chat about the impact using Czech Pilsner malt in a Czech Pale Lager has compared to used domestic Pilsner malt.
Czech vs. Domestic Pilsner Malt xBmt
Episode 347 | Brü’s Views: Sourdough Bread & BBQ
Straying away from beer to focus on other “beer adjacent” activities they enjoy, contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to discuss their views on both sourdough bread making and BBQ.
Episode 346 | Blending Munich & Pilsner Malts To Emulate Vienna Malt
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about three common base malts, focusing primarily on whether or not it’s possible to blend Munich and Pilsner malts to emulate Vienna malt.
Vienna Malt vs. Munich/Pilsner Malt Blend In A Vienna Lager xBmt
Episode 345 | exBEERience: Brewing & Reviewing Rustic Farmhouse Ales
Contributor Jordan Folks discusses his experience bulding a farmhouse ale program, and he and Marshall then review a handful of beers from this project.
Episode 344 | Impact Cool Fermentation Has On A Blonde Ale
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about the impact fermenation temperature, particularly when cooler than recommended, has on simple Blonde Ale fermented with a clean American yeast strain.
Fermentation Temperature: Imperial Yeast A07 Flagship In A Blonde Ale xBmt
Episode 343 | AvgBrü Reviews #10: Belgian Single
Episode 342 | Short & Shoddy: Rauchbier
Contributor Steve Thanos joins Marshall to chat about the classic German smoked lager known as Rauchbier as well as what tasters thought of a version made using Short & Shoddy methods.
Episode 341 | Impact Extended Time On Trub Has On A Kölsch
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about the impact extended contact time with trub has on a Kölsch.
Impact Extended Time On Trub Has On A Kölsch xBmt
Episode 340 | Brü & A #34
We’ve made it to episode 340, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! This week, contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to answer a handful of listener submitted questions.
Episode 339 | Brü’s Views: Brewery Closures
Contributor Jordan Folks joins Marshall to discuss their views on the recent uptick in brewery closures, focusing on some specific breweries as well as sharing their opinions as to why this might be happening.
Episode 338 | Using Ascorbic Acid In A West Coast Pilsner
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about the use of ascorbic acid at packaging to reduce the risk of oxidation in West Coast Pilsner.
Cold-Side Oxidation: Impact Adding Ascorbic Acid At Packaing Has On A West Coast Pilsner
Episode 337 | exBEERience: Hangovers
Brülosophy contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about their experiences avoiding and dealing with hangovers.
Episode 336 | No-Chill Method In An American Light Lager
Contributor Alex Shanks-Abel joins Marshall to chat about the no-chill method, focusing on an xBmt comparing an American Light Lager that was left to chill overnight to one that was chilled quickly.
Impact No-Chill Method Has On An American Light Lager
Episode 335 | Short & Shoddy: German Pils
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about the declisously traditional style known as German Pils, as well as what blind tasters thought of a version made using Short & Shoddy methods.
Episode 334 | Back In Time w/ Jersey & Tim – Pt. 2
With Marshall currently camping off-the-gird, we decided to share another set of old One Minute Beer Reviews w/ Jersey & Tim rather than skipping this week. If you’re new to the show, this may be unfamiliar to you, and possibly unexpected, but for those longtime listeners out there, we hope you enjoy this nostalgic trip back in time.
Episode 333 | Dark Brown Sugar vs. D-45 Candi Syrup In A Belgian Dubbel
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about the use of dark brown sugar and candi syrup when making Belgian Dubbel as well as an xBmt on the subject.
Dark Brown Sugar vs. D-45 Candi Syrup In A Belgian Dubbel xBmt
Episode 332 | Brü’s Views: Brewing Education
This week, contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to discuss their views on the various forms of brewing education, from books and blogs to podcasts and videos.
Episode 331 | AvgBrü Reviews #9: Kentucky Common
For this quarter, members of The Brü Club chose Kentucky Common as the AvgBrü style, and a handful of members were selected to have their versions reviewed by Tim, Justin, Craig, and Marshall.
Episode 330 | Brü & A #33
It’s been 10 episodes since our last Brü & A, which means it’s time to answer another set of listener submitted questions! This week, contributor Jordan Folks joins Marshall to answer a set of questions about a variety of topics.
Episode 329 | Hop Water: Hop Contact Time
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about the non-alcoholic beer alternative, hop water, with a specific focus on the impact varying hop contact times have on the final character.
Hop Water: 24 Hours vs. 7 Day Hop Contact Time xBmt
Episode 328 | exBEERience: The Brülosophy Show w/ Martin Keen
Brülosophy contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about his experience preparing for and managing The Brülosophy Show, which recently celebrated its one-year anniversary.
Episode 327 | Using Old Cascade Hops In An American Pale Ale
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about brewing with old hops, focusing on an xBmt comparing old Cascade to fresher Cascade in an American Pale Ale.
Impact Using Old Cascade Hops Has On An American Pale Ale xBmt
Episode 326 | Brü’s Views: The AHA & Homebrew Con – Listener Reactions
We received a bunch of feedback on our recent Brü’s Views episode where we shared our opinions on the AHA and the recent changes to their annual Homebrew Con, which we felt was worth sharing with listeners.
Episode 325 | Short & Shoddy: British Brown Ale
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about the classic style known as British Brown Ale as well as what tasters thought of a version made using Short & Shoddy methods.
Short & Shoddy British Brown Ale
Episode 324 | Post-Boil Acidification With Sauergut In A German Pils
Contributor Jordan Folks joins Marshall to chat about acidifying wort post-boil with sauergut but prior to pitching yeast, as well as the results of an xBmt focused on German Pils.
Impact Post-Boil Acidification With Sauergut Has On A German Pils
Episode 323 | Brü’s Views: The AHA & Homebrew Con
This week, contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about their views on the current state of the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) and recent changes announced for the annual Homebrew Con.
Episode 322 | Using A Vitality Starter With Old Yeast In An English Porter
Contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to chat about the use of vitality starters with older yeast as well as the results of an xBmt on the subject.
Impact A Vitality Starter Of Old Yeast Has On An English Porter xBmt
Episode 321 | Live Q&A with Marshall Schott
Marshall Schott founded Brülosophy all the way back in 2014 with a goal of learning about the purported dos and don’ts of brewing and sharing information with others. This week, we’re sharing Marshall’s live Q&A session he did with Patrons of Brülosophy, those fans who appreciate what we do enough to toss a few bucks our way every month.
Episode 320 | Brü & A #32
We made it to episode 320, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! This week, contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to answer a handful of listener submitted questions.
Episode 319 | Using Blue Corn Malt In A Pale Lager
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about brewing pale lager with malted blue corn as well as the results of an xBmt on this unique ingredient.
Impact Malted Blue Corn Has On An International Pale Lager xBmt
Episode 318 | exBEERience: Brewing In The Modern Age
Brülosophy contributor Jordan Folks joins Marshall this week to chat about their experiences brewing over the years, focusing specifically on how things have changed from the time they brewed their first batch to today.
Episode 317 | AvgBrü Reviews #8: American Porter
For this quarter, members of The Brü Club chose American Porter as the AvgBrü style, and 10 members were selected to have their versions reviewed by Tim, Justin, Craig, and Marshall.
Episode 316 | Hop Comparison: Tettnanger vs. Spalter Select In A Pale Lager
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about a couple hops commonly used to produce lager styles, going over their differences and similarities, as well as analyzing the results from an xBmt where they were compared in a pale lager.
Episode 315 | Short & Shoddy: Belgian Tripel
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about the classic Trappist ale known as Belgian Tripel as well as their attempt to brew one using Short & Shoddy methods.
Episode 314 | Using Cheap Juice To Make Hard Cider
Contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about all things cider, focusing on the source of the juice and going over an interesting experiment where cheap store-bought juice was compared to a more expensive option.
Cheap Filtered Juice vs. Expensive Unfiltered Juice In Cider xBmt
Episode 313 | East Coast Beer Review & Live Patreon Hangout
Join Tim, Justin, Craig, and Marshall as they review a bunch of beers from the East Coast that were graciously sent in by listener of the show, Will Babcock. Taking a less structured approach than normal, this session was broadcast live to Patrons of Brülosophy, and the guys responded to some of their comments and questions.
Episode 312 | Brü’s Views: 2023
This week, contributor Jordan Folks joins Marshall to chat about their views on how things went over the last year, focusing on brewing and beer in general as well as stuff that applies more specifically to Brülosophy.
Episode 311 | Reusing Smoky Yeast To Ferment A Munich Helles
This week, contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about the method of reusing yeast previously used to ferment a smoked beer and the impact it has on a Munich Helles.
Impact Fermenting With Yeast Previously Used To Ferment A Smoked Beer Has On A Munich Helles xBmt
Episode 310 | Brü & A #31
It’s been 10 episodes since our last Brü & A, which means it’s time to answer another set of listener submitted questions! This week, contributor and The Brülosophy Show host, Martin Keen, joins Marshall to chip away at even more questions asked by Patrons of Brülosophy, those people who appreciate what we do enough to support us on Patreon.
Episode 309 | exBEERience: Brewing With Time Constraints
There’s a lot that goes into making a batch of beer, and when employing traditional brewing methods, it can take anywhere from 4 to 6 hours or more to get from raw ingredients to pitchable wort. This week, contributor and host of The Brülosophy Show, Martin Keen, joins Marshall to chat about their experiences brewing with time constraints, focusing on methods they use to reduce brew day time.
Episode 308 | Using Spelt Malt In A British Golden Ale
This week, contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about brewing with spelt malt and the impact it has when used in a British Golden Ale.
Impact Spelt Malt Has On A British Golden Ale xBmt
Episode 307 | AvgBrü Reviews #7: Altbier
The Brü Club chose Altiber as the style for this quarter’s AvgBrü project, and 10 members were selected to have their versions reviewed by Justin, Craig, and Marshall.
Episode 306 | Short & Shoddy: English IPA
Contributor Martin Keen joins Marshall to chat about a classic style that started a modern craze, English IPA, as well as their attempt to brew one using Short & Shoddy methods.
Short & Shoddy English IPA
Watch on The Brülosophy Show
Episode 305 | Kettle Souring With Goodbelly Probiotic Drink
Contributor Ryan Hansen chats with Marshall about using Goodbelly probiotic drink to make delicious kettle sour beer.
Goodbelly vs. Imperial Yeast W25 Lacto. Brevis xBmt
Episode 304 | Live Q&A with Will Lovell
Will Lovell started off on the leadership of The Brü Club and is responsible for helping to make it one of the world’s largest online homebrew clubs, then about 2 years ago, he joined Brülosophy as an official contributor. This week, we’re sharing Will’s live Q&A session he did with Patrons of Brülosophy, those fans who appreciate what we do enough to toss a few bucks our way every month.
Episode 303 | Brü’s Views: Most Influential exBEERiments
This week, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to chat about their views on past exBEERiment results and those that have influenced their brewing approach the most.
Episode 302 | Brewing With Honey: Boil vs. Fermentation Addition In A Blonde Ale
This week, contributor Will Lovell joins Marshall to chat about brewing with honey, focusing specifically on the point at which the honey is added during the brew process.
Brewing With Honey: Boil vs. Fermentation Addition In A Blonde Ale xBmt
Episode 301 | Listener Submitted Beer Reviews #3
Beer reviewers extraordinaire – Tim Meisch, Justin Pretzer, and Craig Fry – join Marshall to review another set of unique beers submitted by listeners of the show.
Episodes 001 to 100
Episodes 101 to 200
Episodes 201 to 300
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