Tag: central valley

Author: Marshall Schott I’m sort of obsessed with efficiency. Not necessarily of the mash or brewhouse variety, what I’m referring

Author: Marshall Schott “Pitch cool, always! This will limit unwanted ester production. I always chill my wort to 2˚ below

Author: Marshall Schott I picked up my first vial of WLP090 San Diego Super Yeast nearly 3 years ago on

Author: Marshall Schott It recently occurred to me I’ve yet to report on the results of the survey I sent

Author: Marshall Schott I’ve always been curious about whether or not it’s really possible to “clone” a beer. Consider the

I’ve received many requests over the last couple weeks to make a “holiday wish list,” something I was initially uncomfortable

Author: Marshall Schott There has been a lot of talk over the last few years about whether or not hot-side

Author: Marshall Schott Tommy, from House of Pendragon Brewing Co., recently asked me if I’d be interested in testing out

Author: Marshall Schott I met Wes a couple years back, I forget the exact context, but I recall exchanging messages

Author: Marshall Schott A few months back, I posted about making a simple backsweetened hard cider. At least partially inspired


Author: Mike Neville The trusty ‘ol hydrometer– a fragile glass tube with graduated markings that’s used for measuring the relative

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