Episodes 001 to 100

The Brulosophy Podcast

Episodes 001 to 100

Episode 100 | Century Celebration With Jersey & Tim

We made it to 100 episodes! To celebrate, Jersey & Tim turned the tables on Marshall by having him blindly review a bunch of beers they picked out. Friends of show Craig Fry and Justin Pretzer, as well as Tim’s wife, Michele, join in the fun as well. A huge thanks to all of our listeners, Patrons of Brülosophy, and show sponsors for bringing us this far!

Become a Patron today!

Episode 099 | Brü’s Views: Drinking And Brewing With Kids

Brewing beer is a great hobby that can fill time one might otherwise spend doing other things, which for those with kids might include typical parenting tasks or spending quality time with the family. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to talk not only about how they manage maintaining their brewing hobby while being parents, but their views on alcohol as it pertains to their children as well.

Episode 098 | Fermentation Temperature: Kveik Yeast

Fermentation temperature control is viewed as being key to the production of quality beer, with most requiring a means to keep temps from getting too warm. But then there’s Kveik yeast, which can ferment beer at terrifyingly high temps without producing undesirable off-flavors. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about Kveik yeast and the results of an xBmt they performed on this unique ingredient.

Fermentation Temperature: Imperial Yeast A43 Loki

Episode 097 | Short & Shoddy: Kölsch

Originating from Cologne, Germany, Kölsch is a deliciously quaffable style of beer with a very interesting history. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about this history, traditional methods for brewing Kölsch, and the results of Marshall’s attempt to brew one up using the Short & Shoddy process.

Short & Shoddy Kölsch

Episode 096 | The New IPA w/ Scott Janish

Hazy IPA is all the rage today and the process used to produced good examples of the style is somewhat unique. In this episode, Marshall sits down with blogger and professional brewer, Scott Janish, whose new book, The New IPA: A Scientific Guide To Hop Aroma And Flavor, goes into heavy detail on this hazy style. Scott shares key findings from his research and discusses them as they relate to past xBmts.

Buy The New IPA now!

Episode 095 | Brewing With BrewTan B

Oxidation is a major contributor to reduced shelf-life and bad tasting beer, hence brewers invest a lot of effort in reducing oxygen exposure, which usually involve cumbersome machines and convoluted processes. Recently, a chemical option hit the market called BrewTan B, which promises to extend shelf-life by simply using a small amount during the brewing process. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about his experiences using BrewTan B as well as the results of an interesting xBmt!

BrewTan B Effect Pt. 1 xBmt
BrewTan B Effect Pt. 2 xBmt

Episode 094 | Yeast Storage Temperature w/ Imperial Yeast

Brewers make wort and yeast makes beer. As such, it’s important to treat the yeast we ferment with as good as possible, which includes storing it in an ideal environment. In this episode, Marshall sits down with Imperial Yeast’s Casey Hellwig to discuss the importance of yeast storage temperature as well as the results of a collaborative xBmt they performed on the topic.

Yeast Storage Temperature xBmt

Episode 093 | exBEERience: Reducing Cold-Side Oxidation

Oxygen is the enemy of beer, leading to reduced hop character, cardboard flavors, and overall reduced enjoyability. In this first episode of our new exBEERience series, contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to chat about their thoughts and experiences with reducing cold-side oxidation.

7 Methods For Reducing Cold-Side Oxidation When Brewing Beer

Episode 092 | Vienna And Munich Malts

Often mistaken for specialty grains, both Vienna and Munich malts are base malts capable of self-conversion, meaning can be used at up to 100% of the grist. In this episode, contributor Phil Rusher sits down with Marshall to chat about what makes these malts so unique as well as go over the results of an xBmt comparing the two.

Vienna Malt vs. Munich Malt xBmt

Episode 091 | Beer Off-Flavors: Acetaldeyde

Often described as having a green apple flavor and mispronounced by many, acetaldehyde is an off-flavor that is a normal part of any experienced beer evaluator’s vernacular. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer sits down with Marshall for a deep dive into this curious characteristics as well as to discuss the results of a fascinating xBmt on the subject.

Acetaldehyde Off-Flavor xBmt

Episode 090 | Brü & A #9

It’s the 80th episode of The Brülosophy Podcast, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to answer listener questions about a wide range of topics.

Episode 089 | Brewing With Coffee

In this day and age, it’s common for brewers to make beers using non-traditional ingredients, a popular one of which is coffee. Whether used to emulate other ingredients or accentuate certain characteristics, there’s no questioning that coffee adds a unique depth to beer. In this episode, contributor Phil Rusher joins Marshall to chat about the various methods brewers use to add coffee to beer.

Adding Coffee During The Boil vs. Post-Fermentation xBmt

Episode 088 | Brewing With Reverse Osmosis Water

Water makes up the largest portion of beer, and yet it seems the ingredient that has gotten the least amount of attention by brewers over the years. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to discuss how brewers can use reverse osmosis (RO) water as a sort of blank slate onto which various mineral profiles can be built.

RO Water vs. Adjusted Water xBmt
RO Filter: https://amzn.to/2VD8npW
RO to Garden Hose Adapter: https://amzn.to/2GRPXd6
TDS Meter: https://amzn.to/2GIZ2DE

Episode 087 | Kicking Kegs with Friends *LIVE*

With all the beer we brew for science, it’s not uncommon for us to end up with a bunch of half-empty kegs. When this not-so-annoying predicament arises, we often invite friends over to help free up space for new beers. This is exactly what Marshall did with friends Tim Meisch, Paul Amico, Justin Pretzer, and Craig Fry during a recent weekend the wives were out of town. Listen along as the dudes drink and discuss 6 beers Marshall had on tap with the hope of kicking some kegs!

Earmuff alert: this episode was recorded live during a night of drinking among adults; those who are sensitive to certain words, be advised.

Short & Shoddy Irish Red Ale
Short & Shoddy California Common
British Golden Ale
Bell’s Two Hearted Ale w/ Centennial Select
Bell’s Two Hearted Ale w/ Standard Centennial
Short & Shoddy American Barleywine

Episode 086 | The Spunding Effect

In the days before CO2 tanks and regulators, brewers wishing to carbonate their beer had to rely on more natural methods, one of which involved bunging the fermentor toward the end of fermentation to force the gas into solution. In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to talk about the method of spunding, going over how it’s done as well as reviewing the results of an xBmt on the subject.

Force Carbonation vs. Spunding xBmt

Episode 085 | Skipping The Boil

When making a batch of beer, boiling the wort is completed by most as a matter of course and serves various purposes. However, some newer brewing systems do things a bit different by holding the wort at just under a boil. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco sits down with Marshall to discuss what the boil is all about, what we might expect from skipping the boil, and the results of his exBEERiment on the subject.

The No-Boil Effect xBmt
Scientists Rise Up Against Statistical Significance – Nature.com

Episode 084 | Malt Spotlight: Maris Otter

Brewers have myriad varieties of base malt available to use in their beer, varying in color and flavor contribution. One popular option is Maris Otter, a base malt originating in the United Kingdom that has gained many fans due to the unique characteristics in imparts. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer sits down with Marshall to discuss this tasty malt as well the fascinating results of an xBmt comparing Maris Otter to domestic pale malt.

Maris Otter vs. Domestic Pale 2-Row Malt xBmt

Episode 083 | Wood Aging Beer

Aging beer on wood is one way brewers are able to impart a wide range of unique characteristics you can’t get from malt, hops, yeast, and water. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to discuss various aspects of wood aging as well as the results of a fascinating exBEERiment on the topic.

Wood Aging xBmt

Episode 082 | Decanting Yeast Starters

Propagating yeast in a starter has become a common way brewers ensure they’re pitching viable yeast, which has the benefit of quick starts and healthy fermentations. Certain styles require larger starters to propagate the recommended cell count, and in these situations, the brewer is left to decide whether to decant the bulk of the starter beer or pitch the whole shebang. In this episode, Marshall and contributor Brian Hall talk about the pros and cons of decanting yeast starters as well as the results of an xBmt on the topic.

Decanted vs. Full Yeast Starters xBmt

Episode 081 | Open Fermentation

Fermenting beer in an open vessel, one that is completely unsealed, is believed by many to have a beneficial impact, particularly in regards to specific styles. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco chats with Marshall about this age-old technique and the results of his exBEERiment on the topic.

Impact Of Open Fermentation On Beer

Episode 080 | Brü & A #8

It’s the 80th episode of The Brülosophy Podcast, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to answer listener questions about a wide range of topics.

Episode 079 | Staggered Pitching In Mixed Fermentation Beers

When it comes to making sour beer, there are many opinions as to what method of adding yeast and bacteria yields the best results. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazers sits down with Marshall to chat about staggered pitching compared to co-pitching and discuss the results of an interesting xBmt on the topic.

Combined vs. Staggered Microbe Pitch xBmt

Episode 078 | Using Rye Malt In Beer

While barley is the most common base malt in beer, there are a plethora of other grains that can be malted and used in the brewing process as well. Rye malt has a long history of use in traditional styles like Roggenbier, though it’s gained popularity as a complimentary grain used by modern brewers to add unique characteristics to styles like IPA and Porter. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to discuss rye malt and the results of an exBEERiment on the topic.

The Rye Malt Effect xBmt

Episode 077 | Cryo Hops

Released by Yakima Chief Hops (YCH) in 2016 with the promise to impart beer with oodles of hoppy goodness using less actual hop material, Cryo Hops piqued the interest of many brewers. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to chat about this new hop product and go over the results of an exBEERiment comparing it to standard T-90 pellet hops.

Cryo Hops vs. Pellet Hops xBmt

Episode 076 | Mash Temp Rising

When making beer, the mash step is responsible for converting starch into fermentable sugar, and most brewers employ methods to keep their mash temperature as consistent as possible. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to chat about a rather unique approach to mashing that involves adding the grains to cool water and gradually raising the temperature, as well as the results of an exBEERiment on the topic.

The Mash: Single Infusion vs. Rising Temperature xBmt

Episode 075 | Mechanical Filtration Of Beer

Filtration is viewed by many as a step that strips beer of desirable aroma and flavor compounds. In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to talk about different types of mechanical filters, their purported impact on beer, and the results of an exBEERiment they performed on the topic.

The Impact Of Mechanical Filtration xBmt

Episode 074 | Supplementing Sugar For Malt

A fairly common practice among brewers looking to increase ABV while keeping body and flavor in check is to supplement some of the malt in their recipe with sugar. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall chats with Marshall about this practice as well as the results of an exBEERiment he performed on the variable.

All Malt vs. Sugar Added During The Boil xBmt

Episode 073 | Brewing With Enzymes

Our first episode of 2019 is focused on an ingredient that has been used for years to fix stuck fermentations, though has gained popularity as a standard addition when making Brut IPA. While enzymes naturally occur during the brewing process and are responsible for converting starches into fermentable sugars, brewers have available to them a few adjunct enzyme options designed to improve overall attenuation. Join Brian and Marshall as they discuss the various types of enzymes relevant to brewing as well as the results of some fascinating exBEERiments on the subject!

The Beano Effect xBmt
Adding Enzyme To The Mash vs. To The Boil In Brut IPA xBmt

Episode 072 | Holiday Special with Jersey & Tim

Happiest of holidays from all of us at Brülosophy! In this episode, Marshall sits down with Jersey, Tim, and friends to drink some seasonal beers and chat about stuff. Disclaimer: this show offers little in the way of substance…

Episode 071 | Bitterness In Beer

One of the most recognizable aspects of beer is its bitterness, which is imparted almost entirely by the alpha acids present in hops. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to chat about various aspects of bitterness in beer as well as the results from some interesting xBmts.

High vs. Low Cohumulone
High vs. Low Alpha Acid

Episode 070 | Brü & A #7

It’s the 70th episode of The Brülosophy Podcast, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to answer listener questions about a range of topics.

Episode 069 | Short & Shoddy: German Leichtbier

German Leichtbier is essentially a European equivalent to American Light Lager. Crisp, clean, and low in alcohol, Leichtbier can be a tough style to brew seeing there’s little to hide flaws behind. In this episode, Brülosophy’s newest contributor, Phil Rusher, joins Marshall to talk about this relatively novel style and discuss the results of Phils attempt to brew one Short & Shoddy style.

Short & Shoddy German Leichtbier

Episode 068 | Batch Sparge Method

There are numerous ways brewers can go about mashing and separating the sweet wort from the spent grains, a popular option being the batch sparge method. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to chat about how batch sparge compares to other mash methods and discuss the results of some interesting exBEERiments they’ve performed on this particular approach to brewing.

Batch Sparge vs. Fly Sparge xBmt
Batch Sparge vs. No Sparge xBmt
Simple Batch Sparge Tutorial

Episode 067 | New England IPA: Yeast

There are numerous unique aspects that go into crafting the best examples of hazy New England IPA, one of which has to do with what’s used to ferment it. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to discuss the the specific yeast strains commonly used to make NEIPA as well the results of some exBEERiments they’ve done on the subject.

Wyeast 1318 London Ale III vs. GigaYeast GY054 Vermont Ale
Wyeast 1318 London Ale III vs. Wyeast 1056 American Ale


The Camp Fire has wreaked havoc on the community of Paradise, CA, leveling homes and displacing residents, some of whom are fellow homebrewers. Marshall sits down to talk with a group from the Brewers Of Paradise homebrew club who were affected by this tragic fire. Please consider helping these homebrewers get back on their feet by making a donation at: GOFUNDME.COM/HELPPARADISEBREW

Episode 066 | Live Q&A with Marshall Schott

On a recent October morning, founder of Brülosophy and host of this here podcast sat down with Patrons to answer questions about anything they felt like asking. These private Q&A sessions occur on a monthly basis and usually involve guests much more interesting than Marshall, people like John Palmer, Vinnie Cilurzo, Dr. Charlie Bamforth, and Gordon Strong, to name a few. To learn how you can get involved as well as about all the other rewards you can receive for helping us bring you this show, visit PATREON.COM/BRULOSOPHY now!

Episode 065 | Beer Off-Flavors: Diacetyl

Known for imparting beer with flavors of artificial butter, diacetyl is one of the more commonly cited off-flavors in beer evaluation. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss this curious compound in depths including how it’s produced and ways to avoid it, as well as things it might be mistaken for when evaluating beer. The results of some exBEERiments on the topic will also be addressed.

Diacetyl Off-Flavor xBmt

Episode 064 | Bias In Beer Pt. 2: External Influence & Perceived Quality

In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco and Marshall continue their discussion about the impact bias has on beer evaluation, this time focusing the influence sources other than flavor and aroma have on perception, as well as the way we perceive quality.

Impact Appearance Has On Perceived Beer Quality

Episode 063 | Bias In Beer Pt. 1: The Influence Of Expectation

Bias isn’t a bad word! In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to chat about an aspect of beer and brewing that tends to go largely ignored– the influence unconscious bias has on our evaluation of beer. The results from external research as well as exBEERiment findings will be paired with anecdotal experiences in hopes of making this topic as interesting as possible!

Impact Of Expectation On Perception xBmt

Episode 062 | Fermentation Vessel Headspace

A seemingly trivial variable upon first thought, the amount of headspace in the fermentation vessel is something many brewers are concerned can impact the quality of their beer. Contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall in this episode for an in-depth chat about headspace and the fascinating results of an exBEERiment they performed on the subject.

Impact of Increased Headspace During Fermentation
Impact of Cold-Side Oxidation On NEIPA
Impact of Cold Crashing On Beer Character

Episode 061 | Talking Shop With Yakima Valley Hops

While on a recent visit to Yakima, WA for hop harvest, Brülosophy contributors Brian, Malcolm, and Marshall sat down with the dudes from Yakima Valley Hops to talk about their history, hop harvest events, and some of the stuff they’ve got planned for the future. Also chiming in are the folks from Yakima Craft Brewing, a local brewery who brews wet hop ales every year.

Episode 060 | Brü & A #6

It’s our 60th episode, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributors Malcolm Frazer and Brian Hall join Marshall to answer listener submitted questions live from the floor of Yakima Valley Hops. The Brew Brotha, Shannon Harris, and some friends from Yakima Craft Brewing also chime in.

Episode 059 | Short & Shoddy: Irish Stout

Despite it’s dark appearance and often creamy texture, Irish Stout is style of beer consumable by the pint given it’s low ABV. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss what’s known about the history of Irish Stout, traditional methods for brewing this style, and their attempt to make one cutting a bunch of corners.

Short & Shoddy Irish Stout

Episode 058 | Live Q&A with Malcolm Frazer

One time every month, Patrons of Brülosophy have the opportunity to ask questions of known people in the brewing world such John Palmer, Michael Tonsmeire, and Vinnie Cilurzo. Recently, Brülosophy contributor, Malcolm Frazer, sat down for about an hour to answer Patron questions, covering a wide range of topics, and we figured we’d share it with all of our listeners!

If you enjoy what you hear and want to help us to continue producing this content, head over to our Patreon page to view all of the rewards you can get for your support.

Episode 057 | Making Hard Cider

If beer is the beverage of the gods, hard cider is what keeps the angels going! While our focus is primarily on the beer brewing process, most of us at Brülosophy are also big fans of hard cider and make our own fairly regularly. In this episode, contributor and NHC gold medal winning cider maker, Matt Del Fiacco, joins Marshall to talk about everything hard cider including various apple sources, methods for pasteurization, and fermentation techniques.

Chemical vs. Heat Pasteurization
Brü It Yourself: Sparkling Mango Hard Cider
Brü It Yourself: Sparkling Berry Hard Cider
Brü It Yourself: Cranberry Ginger Hard Cider

Episode 056 | Ale Fermentation Temperature

Fermentation temperature is believed by many to be one of the most critical components to the making of good beer– go too high or low and you’ll produce undesirable off-flavors. In his episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss this variable as it relates to brewing ales, going over various methods of fermentation temperature control as well as the results of some exBEERiments they’ve performed.

WLP029 German Ale/Kölsch Yeast
WLP002 English Ale Yeast
WLP300 Hefeweizen Yeast

Episode 055 | The Hop Stand Technique

Brewers looking to pack as much hop aroma and flavor into their beer as possible have a few methods they rely on, one of which involves tossing a bunch of hops into the wort once the boil is complete and letting them steep for a certain amount of time. In this episode, contributor Jason Cipriani joins Marshall to discuss the hop stand technique including the various claims regarding wort temperature and the results of some fascinating exBEERiments!

Hop Stand xBmt – 192°F/89°C vs. 172°F/78°F
Hop Stand xBmt – Flameout vs. 120˚F/49˚C
Hop Stand vs. Dry Hop

Episode 054 | Beer Off-Flavors: Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS)

DMS is a commonly cited off-flavor that many claim tastes like cooked vegetables and, while appropriate in small doses in certain styles, is typically avoided by brewers. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to take a closer look at this curiously corny compound and discuss some interesting exBEERiments they’ve performed on the topic!

Lid On vs. Lid Off During The Boil xBmt
DMS Off-Flavor xBmt

Episode 053 | Using Dry Yeast In Brewing

Back in the early days of organized homebrewing, dry yeast was often all brewers had available to ferment with, usually found in a small pack taped to the bottom of the extract can lid. Often older and lacking in viability, dry yeast developed a fairly negative reputation. Thanks to advancements in technology and knowledge, the dry yeast of today is much higher in quality and used by many to produce delicious beer. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about dry yeast and some exBEERiments they’ve done on the topic.

Sprinkled vs. Rehydrated Dry Yeast xBmt
Starter vs. Rehydrated Dry Yeast xBmt

Episode 052 | Boil Vigor

Boiling wort is viewed as one of the more important parts of the brewing process, responsible for driving off DMS and ensuring the proper OG is hit. In this episode, contributor Ray Found joins Marshall to discuss all that happens during the boil as well as some interesting exBEERiments they’ve performed on the topic.

Weak vs. Strong Boil Vigor
No Boil vs. Boil xBmt

Episode 051 | Jersey & Tim Do Portland *LIVE*

Live from Portland, OR, it’s Jersey & Tim! The boys took over the mics for a couple hours to review beers made by some super rad homebrewers who, in addition to being very gracious, were equally as brave.

Here is a list of the beers Jersey & Tim reviewed in the order presented in the episode:

  1. Warm Fermented Pilsner by Chris Harper
  2. Strawberry Milkshake IPA by Sean Osborne
  3. New England IPA by Kevin Callais
  4. Sour Cherry Blonde Ale by Andy Carter
  5. Lambic-style Ale by Brian Hall
  6. Kölsch by Kevin Callais
  7. Spiced Doppelbock by Cameron Piltz
  8. Grodziskie by Jake Freshour
  9. American Pale Ale by Jeremy Jalabert
  10. Imperial Stout by Steven Ouzts & Zach Zanassi
  11. Maibock by Patrick Smith
  12. New England IPA by Thomas Hespeler
  13. Chocolate Cherry Porter by Chris Harper
  14. Oat Pale Ale by Kevin Callais

Episode 050 | Brü & A #5

It’s episode 50, which means it’s time for us to answer listener submitted questions. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to respond to questions about tangy off-flavors, going pro, shipping beer, and more!

Episode 049 | Short & Shoddy: Hoppy Pilsner

A relatively new spin on a classic styles, hoppy versions of Pilsner seems to gaining in popularity lately. In this episode, the first in our new style-focused series, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss Hoppy Pilsner in depth, going over traditional methods one might utilize to make such a beer then finishing off with some talk about our experience brewing one up using the significantly abbreviated approach we call Short & Shoddy.

Short & Shoddy Hoppy Pilsner, aka Homebrew Conned

Episode 048 | Homebrew Con 2018 With Brülosophy & Friends

Homebrew Con 2018 is a wrap and it couldn’t have been a more unique and fun time for Brülosophy. In this episode, Marshall and Malcolm sit down with booth partners from Yakima Valley Hops, Mecca Grade Estate Malt, and Imperial Yeast to talk about the role each of them and the ingredients they sell play in brewing. Of course, it wouldn’t be Homebrew Con if a couple surprise guests didn’t pop in to have a word.


Episode 047 | Mash Length

The conventional wisdom says to mash for a minimum of 60 minutes, though many extend this saccharification rest by up to double under the belief it has an impact on the finished character of their beer. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to discuss ideas behind where this “rule” came from as well as the results of some fascinating exBEERiments on the topics.

30 Minute vs. 60 Minute Mash Length xBmt
Overnight vs. 60 Minute Mash Length xBmt
20 Minute vs. 60 Minute Mash Length xBmt

Episode 046 | Maintaining Hop Freshness

Hops are made up of various compounds that serve to impart bitterness, aroma, and flavor to beer. With the growing popularity of IPA, hops have become a major focus of brewers, to the point it seems they get more attention than any other ingredient. In this episode, contributor Jason Cipriani joins Marshall to talk about this wonderful plant, specifically how certain conditions can affect the way they present themselves in beer.

Impact Of Age On Hops – Willamette
Impact Of Age On Hops – Simcoe
Hop Storage – Vacuum Sealed vs. Non-Purged Baggie

Episode 045 | Base Malts

Base malts make up the bulk of a beer’s grist, creating a canvas upon which other flavors are painted. From Pilsner to Maris Otter, brewers have available to them various types of base malts that are said to impact unique characteristics. In this episode, Marshall sits down with contributor Matt Del Fiacco to discuss the history of malting, what makes different base malts unique, and of course the results of some fascinating exBEERiments.

Pale 2-Row vs. Pilsner Malt
Maris Otter vs. Domestic Pale 2-Row Malt
Pale 2-Row vs. Pale 6-Row Malt

Episode 044 | New England IPA: Water Chemistry

Whereas traditional IPA is known for being clear, crisp, and relatively sharply bitter, NEIPA is expected to be soft and creamy with low bitterness. There are a number unique process variables that go into crafting such a hazy juice-bomb, one of which is adjusting the brewing water to have a higher proportion of chloride to sulfate, opposite of what’s common for clearer versions of IPA. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to chat about the impact water chemistry has on NEIPA and they discuss some fascinating exBEERiment results.

Sulfate to Chloride Ratio xBmt
Messing With Minerals

Episode 043 | Beer Off-Flavors: Astringency

A commonly cited off-flavor in beer evaluation known for causing a puckering or even fuzzy sensation in the mouth is astringency. In this episode, contributor Ray Found sits down with Marshall to discuss posited causes of astringency in beer, methods brewers use to avoid this undesirable off-flavor, and the results of some exBEERiments on the subject.

Boiling Spent Grain xBmt
Impact Of High Mash pH
Astringency Off-Flavor xBmt

Episode 042 | State Of The Homebrew Industry with Love2brew’s Ron Rivers

Not terribly long ago, thirsty folks looking to craft their own tasty beer at home were limited to the supplies they could find at the grocery store or perhaps pick up from a local brewery, if they were lucky enough to live near one. Nowadays, there are homebrew shops in nearly every town offering brewers fresh ingredients, the latest in brewing gear, and a rad place to commune with like-minded others. In this episode, Marshall sits down with Love2brew co-founder, Ron Rivers, to discuss a side of homebrewing that often goes unnoticed. We touch on Ron’s experience building and running a successful shop, his thoughts on Big Beer’s creep into homebrewing, and some idea for brewers looking to ensure the hobby stays healthy.

The Industry Speaks

Episode 041 | The Use Of Sugar In Brewing

The mash process involves steeping grains in hot water wherein the enzymatic conversion of starches to sugar occurs. The sugar produced during this process is called maltose and makes up the large proportion of fermentables in most beer. However, it’s not the only sugar that can be used in brewing, in fact there certain styles that all but require different types of sugar. In this episode, Marshall is joined by contributor Matt Del Fiacco to discuss these alternative sugars, the way in which they’re used, and of course the results of some exBEERiments.

Adding Sugar In A Single Dose vs. Staggered Doses During Fermentation
Adding Sugar During The Boil vs. High Kräusen

Episode 040 | Brü & A #4

It’s the 40th episode of The Brülosophy Podcast, which means it’s time to field some listener questions. In this show, co-host Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to discuss everything from becoming a BJCP judge to methods for using wood in beer. If you have any questions you’d like us to address, email them to feedback@beerconnoisseur.local and we’ll add it to the list!

Episode 039 | Wort Boil Length

Whether brewing with extract or all grain, one thing all brewers are told is that the wort must be boiled for a minimum of 60 minutes, during which hops impart bitterness while certain off-flavor causing compounds are driven off. In this episode, contributor Jason Cipriani joins Marshall to chat about the various reasons we boil and discuss the results of some exBEERiments that call convention into question.

Boil Length xBmt Pt. 1: Pale Malt
Boil Length xBmt Pt. 2: Pilsner Malt
Boil Length xBmt Pt. 3: 60 Minutes vs. 180 Minutes
Lab Data: DMS In 30 Minute Boil Beer

Episode 038 | Dry Hopping New England IPA

When it comes to packing as much hop character into a New England IPA as possible, brewers have developed unique methods that are also believed to contribute to this style’s characteristic hazy appearance. In this episode, Brülosophy’s NEIPA guru, Brian Hall, joins Marshall to discuss these techniques, how they differ from conventional dry hopping methods, what they’re purported to do, as well as some interesting exBEERiment results.

Biotransformation vs. Standard Dry Hop
Dry Hop At Yeast Pitch vs. Standard Dry Hop

Episode 037 | Quick Sours w/ House Of Pendragon Brewing Company

Sour beers have risen in popularity over the last few years with drinkers thirsting for their complex presentation of funky tartness. While making sour beer traditionally required upwards of a couple years, many brewers these days are relying on methods to hasten the souring process. In this episode, Marshall is joined by contributor Malcolm Frazer as well as the first in-studio guest, Sean Wood, to discuss techniques brewers can use to produce delicious sour beer quickly. Sean has been homebrewing for years, served as president of the local homebrew club for 2 years, and currently helps manage the sour and barrel program at House Of Prendragon Brewing Company. His beers are as great as his knowledge is deep!

The Impact of Open Fermentation On Kettle Sour Beer
Boil Vs. No Boil Berliner Weisse
Berliner Weisse Soured With Grain
Oh, Baby, It’s A Wild Wort

Episode 036 | Beer Carbonation Methods

While individual preferences vary when it comes to carbonation level, there’s little argument that the sparkle and fizz in beer is important to producing a desirable product. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss the ins and outs of carbon dioxide including some conjecture on its history in beer, methods of carbonation, and the results of exBEERiments on the subject.

Force Carbonation vs. Keg Conditioning
Force Carbonation vs. Bottle Conditioning
Force Carbonation vs. Spunding
Sparkle & Fizz: Carbonation Methods

Episode 035 | Gelatin Fining And Its Impact On Beer

Brewers seeking to produce the clearest beer possible have a number of options including both mechanical filtration and chemical fining agents. In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to discuss the popular method of fining with gelatin including its history of use in the brewing industry as well as exBEERiments looking into the impact it has on appearance, flavor, aroma, and mouthfeel.

Impact of Gelatin on Dry Hopped Pale Ale (aka The Gelatin Effect)
Impact of Gelatin on NEIPA
Hydrated vs. Dry Gelatin
Impact of High Amount of Gelatin

Episode 034 | Kettle Finings In Brewing

Brewers have been seeking ways to produce the clearest beer possible for ages, coming up with some pretty odd methods along the way such as relying on dried fish bladder known as isinglass. Despite so many technological advancements, modern brewers continue to rely on arguably rudimentary finings including Irish moss, an algae, and it’s more powerful cousin Whirlfloc. In this episode, contributor Jason Cipriani joins Marshall to discuss the history of kettle finings in brewing, how they work, and some exBEERiment results.

The Irish Moss Effect
The Whirlfloc Effect

Episode 033 | Brewing With Roasted Grains

Necessary for styles such as Brown Ale, Porter, and Stout, roasted grains impart flavors of coffee, chocolate, ash, and nuts. They can also be used to impart a brilliant red color styles like Irish Red Ale. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to give this arguably neglected ingredient the attention it deserves, discussing the various types of roasted grains as well as some exBEERiments they’ve done.

Full Mash vs. Capped At Vorlauf
Cold Steeping vs. Full Mash
Roasted Barley vs. Black (Patent) Malt
Carafa Special II vs. Chocolate Malt

Episode 032 | Brew In A Bag

Not too long ago, homebrewers interested in all grain brewing were often advised to build a cumbersome setup consisting of 3 separate vessels, all serving a very specific purpose. Making the jump to all grain essentially meant dedicating a good portion of one’s garage to a brewery, which was a barrier for many. Then along came some clever Australians with an idea that made all grain brewing nearly as easy as brewing with extract– Brew In A Bag! In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to chat about this simple approach to making beer that has become one of the most popular methods since its inception. We’ll also be going over some interesting results from exBEERiments we’ve performed.

The Impact Squeezing Has On Beer Character
Brew In A Bag vs. No Sparge In A MLT

Episode 031 | Impact Of Wort Aeration

It’s often touted that yeast require oxygen for the purposes of propagation, which serves to increase cell counts such that fermentation is strong and healthy. In this episode, Brülosophy contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to discuss both the thinking behind wort aeration as well as some results from exBEERiments they’ve performed on the subject.

Shaken vs. Nothing
Shaken vs. Pure Oxygen
Nothing vs. Pure Oxygen

Episode 030 | Brülosophy Yeast Blend With Bootleg Biology

As much as we here at Brülosophy love the funkier side of beer, most of what we brew demands cleaner styles so that the impact of whatever variable we’re testing shines through. Thankfully, some of the best beers out there tend toward a cleaner flavor profile, from German Pilsner to Hazy IPA. With so many yeast strains out there, it can sometimes be difficult to choose one, and we thought it’d be cool to have a single option that works great in a variety of styles. On this episode, the dudes from Bootleg Biology join Marshall to discuss the new Brülosophy Blend yeast recently released as well as a bunch of data from blind taster evaluations of various beer styles made with the blend.

Order your pack of the Brülosophy Blend before March 11, 2018 here: http://bootlegbiology.com/product/brulosophy-blend/

Episode 029 | Brü & A #3

And we’re back with our third Brü & A episode! Brülosophy contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to answer a bunch of questions submitted by listeners on a variety of topics. If you have a question you’d like answered on a future Brü & A episode, email them to FEEDBACK@BRULOSOPHY.COM

Episode 028 | Brewing With Extract

The most common way homebrewers get their start is by using extract, which comes in various forms. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to talk about this oft neglected ingredient including how both liquid and dry versions are produced, alternative uses for malt extract, and of course the results of some exBEERiments they’ve performed on the subject.

Extract vs. All Grain – Pt. 1: Maris Otter
Extract vs. All Grain – Pt. 2: Comparing Recipe Kits
The Impact of Age on Liquid Malt Extract

Episode 027 | All About Yeast With Imperial Yeast

It’s often said that brewers make wort and yeast make beer. The microorganism responsible for converting the sugars in wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide, as well as contributing a multitude of aromatic and flavor compounds, yeast is perhaps the most important ingredient in brewing. In this episode, Marshall sits down with Owen Lingley and Jess Claudill from Imperial Yeast to discuss this incredible bugger as well as their thoughts on xBmts covering certain yeast related variables. Check out everything Imperial Yeast has to offer at ImperialYeast.com.

Episode 026 | Brewing With Crystal Malt

Used to add both character and color, crystal malt is a staple for numerous beer styles, contributing a range of flavors from light and sweet to rich and fruity. In this episode, Brülosophy contributor Matt Del Fiacco sits down with Marshall to discuss this tasty brewing ingredient including a couple exBEERiments they’ve done on the topic!

UK Crystal vs. US Caramel Malt
Crystal 60L vs. Crystal 100L/20L Blend

Episode 025 | Yeast Starter & Pitch Rate

Ask any brewer what process change was responsible for the biggest improvement in their beer and making yeast starters will likely top the list. In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan chats with Marshall about yeast starters, the purported importance of pitch rate, and the results of some exBEERiments on the subject.

Direct Pitch vs. Yeast Starter In A Moderate OG Ale
Underpitch vs. Overpitch In A Lager
Direct Pitch vs. Yeast Starter In A High OG Ale

Episode 024 | The Impact of Post-Fermentation Oxidation

Purported as being responsible for beer staling and reduced shelf-life, oxidation that occurs once fermentation is complete, typically during packaging, can be difficult to avoid and is the bane of many a brewer’s existence. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss post-fermentation oxidation, ways it can be avoided, and some exBEERiments they’ve performed on this oft discussed brewing variable.

Normal vs. High Oxidation At Kegging
Normal vs. High Oxidation At Kegging – Impact of Age & Storage Temperature
Flushing With CO2 vs. Direct Filling When Bottling From Kegs

Episode 023 | New England IPA: Grains

New England IPA is a style known as much for its fruity, juicy aromas and flavors as it is for its characteristic haze. There exist a number of factors brewers believe contribute to this hazy appearance, one of which is the typically higher percentage of non-barley grain in the grist. In this episode, long-time NEIPA brewer and Brülosophy contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to discuss the grains used in this popular style of beer as well as some exBEERiments they’ve performed on the topic.

The Impact of Flaked Oats on NEIPA
Flaked Oats vs. Wheat Malt in NEIPA
Flaked Oats vs. Oat Milk in NEIPA

Episode 022 | The Impact of Bagging Hops

Whether or not to bag hops during the boil and dry hop steps is an issue every brewer considers and is often based on their particular approach. In this episode, Brülosophy contributor Jason Cipriani sits down with Marshall to go over the purported pros and cons of bagging hops as well as discuss the results of some interesting exBEERiments on the topic.

Loose vs. Bagged Kettle Hops
Loose vs. Bagged Dry Hops

Episode 021 | Looking Back & Looking Forward

Happy New Year! In this episode, Brülosophy contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to reminisce about all that went down in 2017 as well as talk about some of the rad stuff coming up for 2018 including weekly podcast episodes. Thanks to all or our listeners, readers, and sponsors for all of the support over the last year, we look forward to everything that’s to come in the future!

Become a Patron of Brülosophy!

Episode 020 | Brü & A #2

For our 20th episode and the last one in 2017, Malcolm joins Marshall to answer a bunch of listener questions covering a wide spectrum of topics, from volume prediction issues to vegetarian approaches to cleaning beer quickly. Don’t forget to send your Brü & A questions to feedback@beerconnoisseur.local and we’ll be sure to answer it in a future show!

Episode 019 | Water Chemistry: Minerals

Viewed by some as a complicated step that yields marginal results, manipulating the mineral composition of brewing water is believed by others to be the only way to dial in the exact character one desires. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss the various minerals (or salts) used by brewers, their purported impact on beer, the results of multiple exBEERiments, and their thoughts on the subject.

Mash Manipulation
Messing With Minerals
Post-Fermentation Mineral Adjustment
Sulfate to Chloride Ratio
The Impact of Mineral Load

Episode 018 | No Chill Method

Popularized by clever Australian homebrewers seeking a way to make beer while conserving water, the no chill method relies simply on time and ambient temperatures to chill wort after the boil. In this episode, Brülosophy contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about the history of the no chill method as well as their experiences and exBEERiment results!

A Year Of No Chill
No Chill vs. Quick Chill exBEERiment

Episode 017 | The Carapils Effect

Carapils is said to improve head retention, body, and mouthfeel of beer by adding non-fermentable dextrines to the wort. In this episode, Brülosophy contributor Ray Found joins Marshall to discuss how this interesting and widely use malt works, their experiences using it, and of course the results of an exBEERiment comparing beers made with and without Carapils.

The Impact of Carapils on Various Beer Characteristics

Episode 016 | The First Wort Hop Effect

First wort hopping is a method many claim imparts a smoother bitterness and allows unique aromatic characteristics to come through in the finished beer. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about the history of first wort hopping as well as past research and results from a couple Brülosophy exBEERiments on the topic.

The First Wort Hop Effect Pt. 1
The First Wort Hop Effect Pt. 2

Episode 015 | Lager Fermentation Temperature

It’s well known that proper lagers require cooler fermentation temperatures than ales in order to produce the clean and crisp characteristics they’re known for. Of course, this knowledge is rooted in a long history of brewing, which got us wondering—what really happens if a lager is fermented at ale temperatures? In this episode, Brülosophy contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to chat about the history of lager beer brewing, common beliefs about the importance of fermentation temperature, and of course, results from various xBmts on the topic!

Fermentation Temperature xBmt: WLP800 Pilsner Lager Yeast
Fermentation Temperature xBmt: Saflager W-34/70
Fermentation Temperature xBmt: Saflager W-34/70 (extreme)
Fermentation Temperature xBmt: Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager Yeast
Fermentation Temperature xBmt: WLP940 Mexican Lager Yeast

Episode 014 | Pumpkin Beer!

An entire episode dedicated to the beer everyone loves to hate– Pumpkin Beer! Contributor Malcolm Frazer shares the interesting history of this pariah of styles then he and Marshall discuss the results of an interesting exBEERiment comparing a beer made with actual pumpkin to one made with only spices.

Actual Pumpkin vs. Spices Only0

Episode 013 | The Impact of Grain Crush

In this episode, Marshall and Jake take the seemingly boring topic of grain crush and do their best to talk about it in a way that makes it interesting. Personal experiences, conventional perspectives, and results from a couple exBEERiments are all addressed.

Grain Crush xBmt Pt. 1
Grain Crush xBmt Pt. 2

Episode 012 | Harvesting Hops with Hopsteiner

The 2017 hop harvest is quickly approaching so Marshall sits down with Doug Wilson from Hopsteiner to chat about all that’s involved in developing, growing, and harvesting hops!


Episode 011 | The Impact of Mash pH

Mash pH is said to have an impact on conversion of starch to sugar as well as character of the finished beer. In this episode, Malcolm and Marshall go over the conventional thinking about mash pH then chat about the exBEERiments they’ve performed to test it out.

Impact of Low Mash pH
Impact of High Mash pH
Boil pH xBmt

Episode 010 | Dry Hop Quantity exBEERiment

Join Marshall and Ray as they chat about how the amount of hops used during the dry hop impacts beer! In addition to sharing their personal experiences, they’ll discuss the exBEERiment results and how they influenced their current approaches to dry hopping.

Dry Hop Quantity xBmt

Episode 009 | Brü & A #1

In this episode, Marshall and Ray answer your questions! From how we feel about certain exBEERiments to what our thoughts are on all-in-one brewing systems, no question goes unanswered. If you have questions you’d like us to answer for future Brü & A episodes, don’t hesitate to email Marshall directly (marshall@beerconnoisseur.local) or ask it in any of the forums we regularly frequent.

Episode 008 | Hop Timing xBmt with Basic Brewing Radio

The tables get turned when the Brülosophy crew gets experimented on by the guys from Basic Brewing Radio at Homebrew Con 2017! James and Steve present 3 beers hopped at different times to the crew then ask them to try to guess which beer was hopped at what time. In addition to this fascinating experiment, the idiots from JaDeD Brewing share some history of their business and the folks behind a new hop farm in the Midwest join us to talk about what they’re up to!

Episode 007 | Packaging & Carbonation

The final step in brewing beer involves getting it into either a bottle or keg then dialing in the proper amount of carbonation. In this episode, Jake and Marshall go over the various methods for packaging and carbonating beer, discussing data from exBEERiments they’ve performed and sharing tips they’ve learned along the way!

Sparkle & Fizz: Carbonation Methods
Force Carbonation vs. Keg Conditioning xBmt
Force Carbonation vs. Bottle Conditioning xBmt

Episode 006 | Secondary Fermentor exBEERiment

Transferring fermented beer from a primary fermentor to a secondary vessel was at one time deemed necessary by homebrewers for clarification and to reduce the risk of off-flavors. In this episode, Jake and Marshall discuss this seemingly waning method as well as an exBEERiment with interesting results!

Primary-only vs. Transfer to Secondary

Podcast Update, Online Store, New Merch, & Prefunk Developments

The purpose of this episode is simple– we thank everyone who has helped to make the podcast possible, announce the opening of the Brülosophy online store, and discuss some of the new developments regarding the upcoming Chop & Brü Prefunk Party happening the night before Homebrew Con 2017!

Brülosophy Store
Chop & Brü Prefunk Information

Episode 005 | Does Mash Temperature Matter?

Ray and Marshall talk about a variable believed by many to have a huge impact on beer– mash temperature. Join us as we discuss two xBmts and the impact the results have had!

Mash Temperature – Pt. 1
Mash Temperature – Pt. 2

Episode 004 | Does Fermentation Vessel Matter?

Jake and Marshall chat about the impact various types of fermentors have on beer, focusing on 4 xBmts comparing different types of vessels.

PET Carboy vs. Plastic Bucket
PET vs. Glass Carboy
Glass Carboy vs. Stainless Steel
Corny Keg vs. Glass Carboy

Episode 003 | Brewing With Kiwis (Not the Fruit)

In this episode, Marshall interviews some New Zealand based companies doing great things for brewing and especially homebrewers.

Episode 002 | No Sparge Brewing

Contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to chat about a method that allows brewers to cut both time and complexity out of their brew day by skipping the sparge step.

Relevant links:

Mash Methods – Pt. 2: Batch Sparge vs. No Sparge

Episode 001 | Kettle Trub

The focus of this episode is on the variable that started it all! Malcolm and Marshall sit down to discuss how kettle trub in the fermentor impacts beer, xBmt results, and the influence they’ve had on their perspectives.

Relevant links:

Kettle Trub – Pt. 1: The Great Trub exBEERiment
Kettle Trub – Pt. 2: Replication Using Triangle Test


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