Short & Shoddy

Author: Marshall Schott When I think about the characteristics of beer I most enjoy, a few descriptors come to mind—

Author: Marshall Schott The year before my wife and I got married, we took a 5 week trip to Europe

Author: Marshall Schott It was 2001, I’d recently transferred from an odd small college in rural Idaho to a state

Author: Marshall Schott In August 2012, my younger sister married the dude of her dreams in Philadelphia, PA, which is

Author: Marshall Schott Initially brewed in the mid-1800s, Cream Ale is viewed by many as being one of the first

Author: Marshall Schott IPA is currently all the rage and has been for the better part of the last two

Author: Marshall Schott Belgium is known for many good things– chocolate, waffles, fries, and perhaps most importantly, beer. It’s been

Author: Marshall Schott When I first started down the path of beer and brewing, I presumed pretty much anything made

Author: Marshall Schott As I imagine is the case for many, there’s one particular commercial example that served as my

Author: Marshall Schott A few years ago, my local aunt and uncle decided to host an exchange student from Düsseldorf,

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