Brü’s Views

Homebrewing attracts people from all walks of life with myriad interests, some looking for a fun way to spend free

Happy Thanksgiving to our readers in the United States! I want to make sure to let everyone know how grateful

Water makes up between 90-95% of beer, and yet oddly it seems the most ignored ingredient by brewers, perhaps due

There are various facets of every hobby that people find appealing, similar to the extent that each path emanates from

Homebrew equipment and recipe kits are most commonly designed for batch sizes of 5 gallons, it’s become an industry standard

In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed H.R. 1337 into law, a bill that ultimately made legal what many had been

Behind everyone known for a specific thing is a person with unique interests who engages in all of the regular

Historically, the consumption of alcohol has been spun as a vice, at least in American culture. Undoubtedly influenced by puritanical

A few weeks ago, articles began popping up all over about a crowdfunding campaign promising to produce a novel and

For ages, professional brewers have gone to great lengths to produce the clearest of beers, no doubt appealing to appearance

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