Beer Style: Vienna Lager

Author: Will Lovell Unintentionally developed in the 1840s by Viennese brewer, Anton Dreher, after the malt kilns in his brewery

This xBmt was completed by a member of The Brü Club in collaboration with Brülosophy as a part of The

Author: Cade Jobe As the primary organism responsible for turning wort into beer, quality brewers tend to focus quite a

Author: Steve Thanos One of the many pleasures of beer is sharing it with family and friends, which for those

Author: Marshall Schott Taking its name from the city in which it was developed by Anton Dreher in 1841, Vienna

Author: Ray Found Brew In A Bag (BIAB) has become a staple of the modern homebrewing landscape, often touted as

Author: Jake Huolihan The xBmt results that have shocked me most have been those focused on lager fermentation temperature, there

Author: Marshall Schott I’d brewed about 20 batches of extract with steeping grains beer before I finally decided to jump

Author: Marshall Schott In general, lager beer is known for emphasizing malt and occasionally even hops while any yeast derived

Author: Marshall Schott At this point, Brülosophy regulars are well aware that we’re big fans of using gelatin as a


Author: Mike Neville The trusty ‘ol hydrometer– a fragile glass tube with graduated markings that’s used for measuring the relative

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