The start of something new…

Over the last couple of years, I’ve been lucky enough to be a beta tester for some pretty rad new products including BeerSmith 2.0 (OSX) and JaDeD Brewing’s King Cobra IC, both of which I continue to regularly and very happily use today. Recently, Nick Impelliteri sought out a beta tester for some new yeast strains he’s isolated for his new business, The Yeast Bay. Naturally, I was and am very interested!

I contacted Nick with my qualifications and am currently awaiting a response. Should I be selected as a beta tester, I’ll be tasked with making many 1 gallon batches, split from a single 10 gallon batch of wort, and fermenting each gallon with a different strain of yeast, most likely Brettanomyces. Brewing as often as I do, it’s stuff like this that injects a bit of excitement into the hobby. Here’s to hoping!


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