Hunter’s Double IPA

Back in 2021, a co-worker of Brülosophy’s Will Lovell experienced an unspeakable tragedy when her husband, Hunter, died from complications of Covid 19. Hunter also happened to be a homebrewer, so when Will’s coworker learned he was as well, she was insistent he take a recipe kit she’d previously bought for her husband. The kit was for a Double IPA made with liquid malt extract (LME), which was well past its expiration date, as were the hops and yeast. Rather than ignoring the kit altogether, Will made some tweaks using fresh ingredients he had on-hand, and Hunter’s Double IPA was born. While strong, the use of corn sugar helps to keep the body from becoming syrupy, while the blend of CTZ, Amarillo, and Citra hops provide the necessary bitterness and hop character to appropriately balance the malt. If you brew up Hunter’s Double IPA, be sure to let us know how it turns out!

Hunter’s Double IPA

Recipe Details

Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
5.5 gal 60 min 95.1 10.9 SRM 1.084 1.018 8.66 %
Actuals 1.084 1.018 8.66 %


Name Amount %
Pilsner 15.5 lbs 89.86
Crystal Malt 12 oz 4.35
Caramunich Malt 8 oz 2.9
Corn Sugar (Dextrose) 8 oz 2.9


Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Columbus (Tomahawk) 23 g 60 min Boil Pellet 14
Amarillo 12 g 60 min Boil Pellet 9.2
Amarillo 60 g 15 min Boil Pellet 9.2
Amarillo 160 g 5 min Boil Pellet 9.2
Amarillo 90 g 0 min Boil Pellet 9.2
Citra 60 g 0 min Boil Pellet 12
Amarillo 70 g 4 days Dry Hop Pellet 9.2
Citra 70 g 4 days Dry Hop Pellet 12


Name Amount Time Use Type
Whirlfloc 1 items 15 min Boil Fining


Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
Flagship (A07) Imperial Yeast 77% 60.1°F - 72°F


Water Profile: Ca 106 | Mg 24 | Na 17 | SO4 253 | Cl 69

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