Toasted Oats English Mild

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4 thoughts on “Toasted Oats English Mild”

  1. Hi! I notice in the recipe you ferment for 7 days at 66F. In Beersmith it says 10 days at 66F then 10 days at 65F. Have you tried the quick ale fermentation schedule? 5 days at 66, 5 days at 75F type thing?

    1. Just kegged this one after 7 days. Fermentation was pretty much done after a few days. Smells and looks great.

  2. I completely in love with this beer. First time turned out a little bit thin because of the low OG it supposed to be. Second time I raised the OG to 1.048. Made with short&shoddy methods (25 minutes mash, 20 minutes boil, 6 day from grain to keg) and it won gold medal in the category and 3rd in the show. Used 1318

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