Episodes 101 to 200

The Brulosophy Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 200 | Brü & A #19

For the 200th episode of The Brülosophy Podcast, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to answer listener submitted questions.

Episode 199 | Short & Shoddy: Cream Ale

The curiously named Cream Ale is one of the truly American styles of beer that’s brewed with unique ingredients and process. Contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss this tasty style as well as how one turned out when brewed using Short & Shoddy methods.

Short & Shoddy Cream Ale

Episode 198 | Roasted Grains In English Porter

In order to make darker styles of beer such as English Porter, it’s imperative to use roasted grains, two of the most popular being Black Malt and Roasted Barley. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to talk about the purported differences between these two grains, their use in English Porter, and results of an xBmt on the topic.

Roasted Barley vs. Black Malt In English Porter xBmt

Episode 197 | exBEERience: Water Chemistry Adjustments

Water makes up the largest portion of beer, so it makes sense that paying attention to it would be a good thing. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to chat about their experiences with water chemistry adjustments.

The End Of An Era…

The time has finally come to make an unfortunate change. If you’re a fan of The Brülosophy Podcast, please click here to take a single-question survey.

Episode 196 | Using Flaked Maize In Cream Ale

Cream Ale is an American hybrid beer known for being made with a portion of corn, an ingredient viewed by some as negatively impacting beer quality. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss the history of both Cream Ale and the use of corn when brewing it, as well as the results of an xBmt on the topic.

Impact Of Using Flaked Maize In Cream Ale xBmt

Episode 195 | Live Q&A With Andy Carter

In May of 2021, Brülosophy’s Andy Carter sat down for about an hour with Patrons of Brülosophy to answer a bevy of interesting questions. Usually reserved for Patrons’ eyes and ears only, we decided to make this session public as a way to thank all of our listeners.

Become a Patron of Brülosophy today!

Episode 194 | Using Wheat Malt In American IPA

While technically a base malt, wheat malt is often used in relatively small proportions to boost the body and improve the foam stability of myriad styles. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to talk about the use of wheat malt in American IPA and go over the results of a fascinating xBmt on the subject.

Episode 193 | Brü’s Views: On Drinking & Health – Listener Reactions

After dropping our last Brü’s Views episode where contributor Cade Jobe and Marshall shared their opinions on health as it relates to drinking alcohol, a bunch of listeners wrote in to share their thoughts and experiences.

Episode 192 | Souring Beer In An Open Vessel

When it comes to making sour beer, it’s often recommended to keep the vessel sealed in order to reduce oxygen exposure. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss the idea of souring in an open vessel as well as the results of an xBmt on the subject.

Souring In An Open Vessel xBmt

Episode 191 | Short & Shoddy: Irish Red Ale

Known for its delicious malt flavor and gorgeous red color, Irish Red Ale is a classic style that we feel doesn’t get the attention it deserves. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about the history and traditional approach for brewing Irish Red Ale, as well as what tasters thought of one brewed using Short & Shoddy methods.

Short & Shoddy Irish Red Ale

Episode 190 | Brü & A #18

We made it to episode 190, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! In this episode, Andy Carter joins Marshall to respond to a list of interesting listener submitted questions.

Episode 189 | Storing Beer In CO2 Pressurized Growlers

Taking beer from a tap from one place to another requires the use of a vessel, which historically has been glass growlers. However, recently, companies have started producing stainless steel growlers that are insulated and can be pressurized with CO2. Contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall in this episode to discuss their thoughts on how these modern growlers compare to other types of beer storage vessels, and they also go over the results of a fascinating xBmt on the topic.

Impact Of Storing Beer In A CO2 Pressurized Growler xBmt

Episode 188 | exBEERience: Off-Flavors In Beer

There are a number of off-flavors that can occur in beer, from diacetyl and DMS to astringency and metallic. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss a list of the most common off-flavors, focusing on how they are created, ways to avoid them, and their experiences with each over the years.

Episode 187 | Brewing With A Stainless Hop Spider

There are a number of reasons a brewer might choose to filter their kettle hop additions, from avoiding clogged pumps to producing clearer wort. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to talk about using a stainless hop spider as well as the results of an xBmt comparing beers made with and without such a tool.

Stainless Hop Spider xBmt

Episode 186 | Brü’s Views: On Drinking & Health

In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss the often overlooked topic of physical and mental health as it relates to drinking alcohol.

Episode 185 | Brewing Stout With Malt Extract

Malt extract is made from the same malt all-grain brewers use to make beer, and while some believe it can be used to produce beers identical to those made using only grains, others claim it imparts its own unique characteristics. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about the impact malt extract has when making Stout.

Brewing Stout With Malt Extract xBmt

Episode 184 | Short & Shoddy: Double IPA

As the popularity of IPA began to skyrocket in the late 90s, some brewers began looking for ways to amplify their favorite characteristics of this tasty style, which ultimately led to the development of the Double IPA. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about the history and traditional approach for brewing Double IPA, as well as what tasters thought of one brewed using Short & Shoddy methods.

Short & Shoddy Double IPA

Episode 183 | Base Malts For German Pils

German Pils is generally expected to be made with pilsner malt, which is widely believed to impart the cracker and white bread crust characteristic of this style. On this episode, Andy Carter joins Marshall to chat about the base malts used for German Pils as well as the results of an xBmt comparing pilsner and pale malts.

Pale vs. Pilsner Malt In German Pils xBmt

Episode 182 | exBEERience: Harvesting & Reusing Yeast

Yeast is one of the more expensive brewing ingredients, leading many brewers to look for ways to stretch out a single pitch. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to chat about their experiences harvesting and reusing yeast.

Harvesting Yeast From Starters

Episode 181 | Brewing With Acidulated Malt

Monitoring and adjusting mash pH is viewed by many as an important aspect to crafting the best beer. While modern brewers have a number of liquid acid options, a more traditional way to reduce pH involved the use of acidulated malt. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss this unique ingredient as well as the results of an interesting xBmt on the topic.

Acidulated Malt vs. Phosphoric Acid xBmt

Episode 180 | Brü & A #17

It’s been 4 years since we introduced The Brülosophy Podcast and here we are at episode 180, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to respond to a bunch of listener submitted questions.

Episode 179 | Brü’s Views: Adherence To Brewing Traditions

Most of the methods we use to make beer today were developed over the last few centuries, and while some have adapted those methods based on new developments, others choose to adhere to more traditional approaches. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about their unfiltered opinions on the adherence to traditional brewing traditions.

Episode 178 | Using Fruit In Belgian Ale

Belgian ales are known for possessing unique fruity and spicy notes as a result of the yeast used to ferment them, characteristics that can meld beautifully with certain fruit additions. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to chat about using fruit in Belgian Ale as well as go over the results of an xBmt comparing different methods for adding fruit.

Episode 177 | Short & Shoddy: Munich Dunkel

Germany is known for their delicious lager, many version of which of which fall on the paler end of the color scale. However, another deliciously popular style originating from the Bavaria region is Munich Dunkel, which contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to chat about on this episode.

Short & Shoddy Munich Dunkel

Episode 176 | Methods For Carbonating Saison

Saison is a style of beer that’s known to be a bit more carbonated than other styles, which lends to its general drinkability. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss various carbonation methods with a specific focus on how they apply to Saison.

Keg Conditioning vs. Force Carbonation In A Saison xBmt

Episode 175 | exBEERience: Going Pro w/ Crow & Wolf Brewing

It’s likely most homebrewers spend a least a little time dreaming about turning their hobby into a profession, and there are a number of ways to go about doing it. In this episode, Marshall sits down with the crew from new brewery, Crow & Wolf Brewing Company, to chat about their experience going pro.

Episode 174 | Double Dosing High OG Beer With Oxygen

Yeast require oxygen to properly ferment sugary wort into beer, which is especially important when making high OG styles. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about the importance of oxygen as a yeast nutrient and the method of dosing a beer twice with pure oxygen, as well as the results of an xBmt on the topic.

Double Dosing High OG Wort With Oxygen xBmt
The Effects of Osmotic Pressure and Ethanol on Yeast Viability and Morphology

Episode 173 | Brü’s Views: Online Forums & Groups

The internet made it possible for brewers from around the world to easily communicate with each other, ultimately leading to the formation of various forums and groups. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter and Marshall share their unabashed opinions on how these forums in general as well as some of the ones they have experience with.

Episode 172 | Sulfate To Chloride Ratio In NEIPA

The mineral makeup of the water used to brew with has been shown to have a perceptible impact on beer, and one way to approach adjusting it is by focusing on the ratio of sulfate to chloride. Whereas classic American IPA has tended to favor higher sulfate, many brewers of NEIPA rely on high chloride content to achieve their juicy goals. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to chat about sulfate to chloride ratios as it pertains to NEIPA as well as the results of an interesting xBmt on the topic.

Sulfate To Chloride Ratio In NEIPA xBmt

Episode 171 | Short & Shoddy: American Amber Ale

A beer style that once was quite popular but currently seems to have faded into the background, American Amber Ale can possess a fairly wide range of characteristics, and we think it’s delicious! In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe chats with Marshall about this classic American style as well as the outcome of a batch made using Short & Shoddy methods.

Short & Shoddy American Amber Ale

Episode 170 | Brü & A #16

Happy New Year! We made it to our 170th episode, which means it’s time for another Brü & A. Contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall in this episode to answer a bevy of listener submitted questions.

Episode 169 | Hot-Side Aeration

Aerating wort during the mash, lauter, and boil stages of the brewing process, aka hot-side aeration, is believed by many to have a negative impact on beer, though others view this claim as myth. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to discuss all things HSA including the results of an xBmt on the subject.

Hot-Side Aeration xBmt

Episode 168 | exBEERience: exBEERimental Brewing

Brülosophy is all about experimenting with brewing and beer. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about their experiences performing various types of brewing experiments, discussing the process from design to sharing the results.

Episode 167 | Steeping Roasted Grains In Wort

Including grains in the mash has the effect of reducing pH, which many believe can result in less than desirable characteristics. One way around this is to omit the roasted grains from the mash then steep them in the wort prior to boiling. In this episode, Marshall is joined by contributor Andy Carter to discuss this unique technique as well as the results from an xBmt on the method.

Steeping Roasted Grains In Wort xBmt

Episode 166 | Brü’s Views: Hard Seltzer

Over the last few years, boozy sparkling water has taken the world by storm, offering drinkers fruit-flavored fizziness that packs a fraction of the calories in beer. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to talk about their views on both the rise in hard seltzer as well as making them at home.

Episode 165 | Cool Sparging

During the mash step, starches in malted barley get converted into fermentable sugar, which then get rinsed from the grains during the sparge step. It’s commonly said that the ideal temperature of the sparge water is 170˚F/77˚C, though some have experimented with sparging with cooler water. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss the merits of cool sparging as well as the results of an exBEERiment on the method.

Cool Sparging xBmt

Episode 164 | Short & Shoddy: Belgian Dubbel

The country of Belgium is known for many things, one of which is delicious beer. Originally brewed by Trappist monks, Belgian Dubbel is one such style, which contributor Cade Jobe and Marshall chat about in this episode.

Short & Shoddy Belgian Dubbel

Episode 163 | Dry Hopping NEIPA At Yeast Pitch

Dry hopping is the technique used to impart IPA with fresh hoppy goodness, and while this was traditionally done toward the end of fermentation, brewers of modern IPA variants have been moving it up a bit. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to chat about the method of adding dry hop additions at yeast pitch and discuss the results of an xBmt on this topic.

Dry Hopping NEIPA At Yeast Pitch xBmt

Episode 162 | Live Q&A with Mitch Steele

Back in February 2020, Mitch Steele from New Realm Brewing out of Atlanta, GA sat down with Brülosophy Patrons for an hour to answer questions on topics ranging from his time at Anheuser-Busch and Stone Brewing to NEIPA and guitars. Usually reserved for Patrons’ eyes and ears only, we decided to make this session public as a way to thank all of our listeners. If you’d like participate in future sessions, become a Patron today!

Episode 161 | exBEERience: Building A Draft System

One of the coolest upgrades a homebrew can make is going from bottling to kegging, which often involves building either a kegerator or keezer. In this exBEERience episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to chat about their experiences building and using different types of draft systems.

Episode 160 | Brü & A #15

The Brülosophy Podcast has made it to 160 episodes, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributor Phil Rusher sits down with Marshall to answer questions submitted by listeners.

Episode 159 | Impact Of Mash Temperature On English Porter

Mash temperature has a predictable objective effect on beer, which has led many to presume a subjective perceptible impact. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss mash temperature and how it relates specifically to English Porter.

English Porter Mash Temperature xBmt

Episode 158 | Brü’s Views: Brewing With Adjuncts

In addition to the four core brewing ingredients of water, malt, hops, and yeast, brewers use a variety of adjuncts to create unique beers. In this Brü’s Views episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss their unabashed opinions on the use of such adjuncts and the beers they’re used to make.

Episode 157 | Beer Storage Temperature

In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to talk about the impact storage temperature has on beer and discuss the results of an exBEERiment on the subject.

Beer Storage Temperature xBmt

One-In-Eight: Helping Others By Buying Hops

1 in 8. That’s the proportion of women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and most will end up requiring treatment and aftercare, which is neither easy nor cheap. The One-In-Eight project aims to raise awareness and money for the Wellness House of Yakima, a place where women affected by cancer receive the care they need. In this special episode, two-time breast cancer survivor, Shelley Desmarais from CLS Farms, joins Marshall to talk about this year’s collaboration between CLS Farms, Yakima Valley Hops, and Roy Farms that allows brewers to contribute to a great cause by simply buying hops grown specifically for this purpose.

Buy Triumph hops now at Yakima Valley Hops or, if you’re a pro brewer, Spot Hops!

Episode 156 | Short & Shoddy: Berliner Weisse

Sour beer has grown massively in popularity over the last few years, and one style that’s received a good amount of attention is Berliner Weisse, not just because it’s delicious and refreshing, but also because it’s pretty easy to make. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to talk about this historical style as well as how a version made using Short & Shoddy methods turned out.

Short & Shoddy Berliner Weisse Mit Hafer

Episode 155 | Continuous CO2 Purging When Kegging

One of the biggest vectors for oxygen exposure on the cold-side occurs when transferring beer from a fermentation vessel to a keg. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe chats with Marshall about a method for reduce cold-side oxidation that involves continuously purging both the keg and the fermenter during the transfer process.

Continuous CO2 Purging xBmt

Episode 154 | exBEERience: Brewing With Barrels

In this exBEERience episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to talk about the ins and the outs of brewing with barrels.

Episode 153 | Brewing With Toasted Oats

Oats have been used to make beer for centuries and are currently associated with styles like Oatmeal Stout and New England IPA. Whereas standard flaked oats are most common, some brewers choose to toast their oats before use to contribute unique characteristics said to be like oatmeal cookies. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco sits down with Marshall to discuss the use of oats in brewing, how to go about toasting oats, and the results of an xBmt on the topic.

Toasted Oats xBmt

Episdoe 152 | Brü’s Views: Brewing In A Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has unquestionably impacted folks from all corners of the brewing industry, and that includes us here at Brülosophy. In this Brü’s Views episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to chat about how being quarantined for so long as affected their own brewing, how they’ve adapted, and share some tips some might find helpful.

Episode 151 | Using Olive Oil In Place Of Oxygenation

Oxygen is one of the most important yeast nutrients because it gets used to synthesize sterols and unsaturated fatty acids. Awhile ago, some clever brewers proposed the idea of using olive oil in place of oxygen and provided research that seemed to back it up. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about this odd method and the results of an xBmt on the subject.

Olive Oil In Place Of Aeration xBmt

Episode 150 | Brü & A #14

We made it to episode 150, which means it’s time for us to answer more listener submitted questions. If you have questions you’d like for us to respond to in a future Brü & A episode, email them to feedback@beerconnoisseur.local.

Episode 149 | Short & Shoddy: Session IPA

Session IPA is relatively new style that offers all the hoppy goodness of a traditional American IPA but with a much lower amount of alcohol. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to talk about the advent of Session IPA as well as what tasters thought of one brewed using Short & Shoddy methods.

Short & Shoddy Session IPA

Episode 148 | Brewing With Zinc

Like all living organisms, yeast perform best when provided the proper nutrients, and zinc is viewed by many as being one of the most important. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to chat about the use of zinc in brewing and discuss the results of an interesting xBmt on the subject.

Impact Of Adding Zinc At Yeast Pitch xBmt

Episode 147 | exBEERience: Cleaning & Sanitation

In this exBEERience episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to chat about their experiences keeping all of their brewing gear clean and sanitized.

Episode 146 | Introducing LupoMAX: A New Hop Product From Haas

Marshall sits down with Phil Chou and Jeff Dailey from Haas as well as Kaleb Schwecke from Yakima Valley Hops to talk about a brand new hop product called LupoMAX, which is sure to please the palates of all the hop-heads out there. Make sure to pick up your Citra, Mosaic, and Sabro LupoMAX from Yakima Valley Hops or Spot Hops before they’re all gone!

Episode 145 | Brewing With Dextrose & Sucrose

While barley malt is the primary source of sugar in beer, there are times the use of an alternative fermentable are warranted. Some of the most common non-malt sugars used in brewing are table sugar (sucrose) and corn sugar (dextrose). In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to chat about the use of sucrose and dextrose in brewing and discuss the results of an xBmt comparing the two.

Episode 144 | Brü’s Views: Homebrew Clubs

Homebrew clubs are one of the best ways for brewers to access others who share their passion for brewing and beer. In this Brü’s Views episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss their experiences in and unabashed thoughts about the good, the bag, and the ugly sides of homebrew clubs.

Episode 143 | Using SMB When Packaging Pale Malty Beer

Cold-side oxidation can turn a good beer bad in little time, which has led many to employ methods to reduce exposing their beer to oxygen. One such method involves adding a chemical antioxidant known as sodium metabisulfite (SMB) at packaging. In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan sits down with Marshall to talk about his experiences using SMB to mitigate oxygen and the results of a fascinating xBmt on the topic.

Impact Of Adding SMB To Kölsch At Packaging xBmt

Episode 142 | Short & Shoddy: New England IPA

New England IPA is one of the newer styles on the block that’s brewed using a particular set of ingredients and methods known to contribute to its unique appearance and characteristics. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss the history of NEIPA, common approaches to brewing good examples, and what tasters thought of a version made using Short & Shoddy methods.

Short & Shoddy New England IPA

Episode 141 | Packaging On Star San Foam

Star San is one of the most popular sanitizers used by brewers, as it’s easy to use and very effective. However, one concern some have posed has to do with the large amount of foam Star San tends to leave behind in the packaging vessel, as some worry it can impact beer character. In this episode, Marshall is joined by contributor Cade Jobe to discuss the use of Star San as well as the results of a fascinating xBmt on the subject.

Impact Star San Foam Has On Beer Character xBmt

Episode 140 | Brü & A #13

Another 10 episodes have come and gone, which means it’s time for us to answer a set of listener submitted questions.

Email questions for future Brü & A episode to feedback@beerconnoisseur.local

Episode 139 | Filtering Dry Hops With Stainless Mesh

Dry hopping is viewed as being perhaps the best way to impart beer with a pungent punch of hoppy goodness. While many add this charge of hops directly to the fermenting beer, others prefer to use a filter. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall joins Marshall to discuss the purported pros and cons of using stainless mesh to filter dry hops as well as the results of an xBmt performed on the subject.

Impact Of Stainless Mesh Filter On Dry Hop Character xBmt

Episode 138 | exBEERience: Going Pro w/ Malcolm Frazer

Like many homebrewers, Brülosophy’s Malcolm Frazer had always held onto the dream of one day leaving his typical 9-to-5 job to brew on the professional scale, and he eventually took the leap a few years ago. In this exBEERience episode, Malcolm chats with Marshall about how he made the decision to go pro and what the experience has been like.

Episode 137 | The Vorlauf Effect

Once the mash rest is complete, brewers are often taught to perform a vorlauf, which involves recirculating sweet wort until it flows clear so as not to transfer spent grain bits to the brew kettle. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss the vorlauf process as well as the results of a very interesting xBmt on the topic.

The Vorlauf Effect: Testing The Extreme

Episode 136 | Brü’s Views: Cutting Corners When Brewing Lagers

Lagers are amazing, but a lot of people refrain from brewing them because of all the “required” steps involved. However, over the last few years, some of us have approached lager brewing from a different perspective, adapting methods to make the process easier. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about their opinions on cutting corners when brewing lagers.

Episode 135 | Extended Time In Primary Fermenter

Back in the early days of homebrewing, it was customary for brewers to transfer their beer out of the primary fermentation vessel into a secondary vessel for a period of conditioning before packaging, though nowadays it’s common to ferment in primary only. For some, this means extending the time the beer spends on the trub, which has been purported to lead to certain issues. In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan sits down with Marshall to talk about the impact leaving beer in the primary fermenter can have on beer as well as the results of fascinating xBmt on the topic.

Impact Of Extended Time In Primary Fermenter xBmt

Episode 134 | Short & Shoddy: English Porter

With roots in 18th century England, English Porter is a traditional style of beer that’s evolved a bit since it was first conceived. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer chats with Marshall about this delicious historical style as well as the results of a batch brewed Short & Shoddy style.

Short & Shoddy English Porter

Episode 133 | Reusing Yeast From A High OG Batch

Brewing isn’t the cheapest hobby, and one way brewers can save some money is by harvesting yeast that was previously used to ferment one beer and pitching it into a new batch of wort. When doing this, it’s often recommended not to harvest from a high OG beer. In this episode, contributor Andy Carter joins Marshall to discuss reusing yeast, the purported concerns with harvesting from a high OG beer, and the result of an xBmt on the topic.

Reusing Yeast From A High OG Batch xBmt

Episode 132 | exBEERience: Electric Brewing

Over the last few years, the numbers of homebrewers opting to use electricity as their energy source has rapidly grown. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to discuss their experiences with electric brewing.

BräuSupply 120v Unibräu V3 Review
Clawhammer Supply 120v eBIAB Review
Ss Brewtech 1V Review
Grainfather Review
Brew Hardware HotRod Heat Stick Review

A Message On COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on the beer and brewing industry. In this brief message, Marshall talks about some things we can all do to help during these trying times.

Sponsor Brülosophy by becoming a Patron today and use our affiliate links to do your online shopping!

Episode 131 | Using Tinctures In Brewing

The easiest and presumably most common method for adding spices to beer involves tossing them directly in at some point in the process, usually during the boil and/or fermentation. However, this method is believed by some to be a bit haphazard, leaving little room for controlling the pungency of the spice character, which has led to the use of alternative approaches. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to talk about the use of tinctures in brewing and discuss the results of an xBmt on the subject.

Spice Tincture xBmt

Episode 130 | Brü & A #12

We made it to our 130th episode, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to respond to a bunch of listener submitted questions on various topics.

Episode 129 | Brü’s Views: Evaluation & Judging

In this Brü’s Views episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to chat unabashedly about their opinions on beer evaluation and judging.

Episode 128 | Live Q&A With Chip Walton

In December 2019, Patrons of Brülosophy spent over an hour with Chip Walton of Chop & Brew, during which Chip talked about his experience in Norway, answered questions about various brewing topics, and told the story of his first time meeting Marshall, among other things. While these livecasts are typically only available to Brülosophy Patrons, Chip agreed to let me share his session with all of our listeners.

Become a Brülosophy Patron today!

Episode 127 | Cold Crashing Speed

Cold crashing is a relatively simple method brewers use to clarify beer prior to packaging. Yeast being the living organism it is, it’s often recommended the temperature of beer be gently reduced over the course of a few days when cold crashing. In this episode, contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to talk about the impact of crashing speed and the results of an interesting xBmt on the topic.

Cold Crashing Speed xBmt

Episode 126 | Short & Shoddy: British Golden Ale

As a relatively new style, British Golden Ale was inspired by the rise in popularity of fizzy yellow lager, though due to the heavier handed hopping rates it often gets compared to American Pale Ale. Crisp, refreshing, and endlessly crushable, contributor Matt Del Fiacco is a huge fan of this style and recently brewed one up using a number of corner-cutting methods. In this episode, Matt joins Marshall to talk about British Golden Ale as well as the results of his Short & Shoddy batch.

Short & Shoddy British Golden Ale

Episode 125 | Using Yeast Nutrient In Beer

Being a living organism, yeast requires nutrients in order to ferment healthily. While many nutrients are naturally present in wort, others are deficient, which is why some brewers choose to add some themselves. In this episode, Marshall sits down with contributor Cade Jobe to discuss the various types of yeast nutrients, how they’re purported to impact beer, and the results of an xBmt on the subject.

Yeast Nutrient In Beer xBmt

Episode 124 | exBEERience: Lager Fermentation

Traditionally, lager beers are fermented cool then stored for a fairly long amount of time, which is believed to be an important aspect of creating the proper character. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss their experiences using various lager fermentation methods, from traditional to the most blasphemous.

Quick Lager Method

Episode 123 | Kveik Pitch Rate

Yeast pitch rate is believed by many to be one of the most important aspects of making good beer, and for the most part, this requires propagation in a starter. However, when fermenting with Kveik, some have claimed underpitching leads to the production of more desirable characteristics. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about pitch rate when using Kveik and the results of an xBmt on the topic.

Kveik Pitch Rate xBmt

Episode 122 | Brü’s Views: Hazy IPA

Hazy IPA has taken the beer and brewing world by storm, and along with it has come a bunch of strongly held opinions. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall sits down with Marshall to discuss the history of New England and share their unabashed opinions about this novel style.

Episode 121 | Purging Keg Headspace

Aroma is one of the first things noticed when enjoying a beer. Brewers of hoppy beers have long sought to pack as much flavor and aroma into their product, which they try to protect by whatever means necessary. In this episode, contributor Brian Hall joins discuss the method of purging a keg’s headspace after packaging and the results of an interesting xBmt on the topic.

Impact Of Purging Keg Headspace with CO2 on NEIPA xBmt

Episode 120 | Brü & A #11

We made it to episode 120, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! Contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to respond to host of listener submitted questions on various topics, from brewing methods to how much we actually drink.

Episode 119 | Short & Shoddy: International Pale Lager

Similar in many ways to the cans that line American liquor store shelves, International Pale Lager is a style many view as difficult to brew because it leaves so little to hide behind. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to talk about this easy drinking style as well as a batch brewed Short & Shoddy style.

Short & Shoddy International Pale Lager

Episode 118 | Fining With Gelatin At Yeast Pitch

Using gelatin to aid the clarification of beer has become quite common, as it’s simple and generally quite effective. One issue when it comes to fining with gelatin is that the process of adding it can expose the fermented beer to oxidation. In this episode, we discuss the recommendation to add gelatin to chilled beer and the results of an xBmt on adding gelatin at yeast pitch.

Fining With Gelatin At Cold Crash vs. Yeast Pitch xBmt

Episode 117 | exBEERience: Dealing With Efficiency Issues

Of the many process concerns voiced by all-grain brewers, one of the most common has to do with either low or inconsistent efficiency. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to talk about their experiences dealing with efficiency issues and discussing things they’ve done to make things better.

6 Tips For Dealing With Efficiency Problems

Episode 116 | Brewing With Rice

Uncommonly used in the production of craft beer, rice has been used in brewing for a long time, most recognizably as an adjunct in macro American lager. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to chat about the use of rice in the brewing process as well as the results of an interesting xBmt on the topic.

Flaked Rice xBmt

Episode 115 | Live Q&A with Matt Del Fiacco

A couple weeks ago, Brülosophy contributor Matt Del Fiacco spent about an hour taking questions from Patrons. These private Q&A sessions occur on a monthly basis and past guests have included folks like Russian River’s Vinnie Cilurzo, Dr. Charlie Bamforth, John Palmer, The Alchemist’s John Kimmich, and Gordon Strong, to name a few. To learn how to get involved as well as about all the other rewards you can receive for helping us bring you this show, visit PATREON.COM/BRULOSOPHY now!

Episode 114 | Brü’s Views: Addressing The Hate

Brülosophy started in early 2014 and fairly quickly grew from a small blog with infrequent posts to a website with multiple articles published per week as well as a weekly podcast. Over the years, we’ve received our fair share of criticism about various things people think we’re doing wrong. In this Brü’s Views episode, long-time contributor Jake Huolihan joins Marshall to address some of the more common criticisms in an unabashed and honest way.

Episode 113 | Impact Of Age On Crushed Malt

Freshness of ingredients if often touted as being key to producing quality beer, and when it comes to malt, it’s widely believed it should be used as soon after it’s crushed as possible. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss the impact milling has on malt as well as the results of a fascinating xBmt where a beer was made with malt milled 6 months prior to being used.

Impact Of Age On Crushed Malt xBmt

Episode 112 | Short & Shoddy: California Common

California Common is known to be one of the first truly American styles of beer that was purportedly consumed in large quantities by hopeful folks during the California Gold Rush. In this episode, contributor Malcolm Frazer joins Marshall to discuss this great style as well as how a version brewed using Short & Shoddy methods turned out.

Short & Shoddy California Common

Episode 111 | Malt Extract: Liquid vs. Dry

Malt extracts are used for various reasons, primarily as a way for new brewers to make beer with having to perform the mash step. When it comes to malt extract, there exist liquid and dry versions, and some hold strong opinions about which is best. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe digs into malt extracts with Marshall before chatting about the results of an xBmt comparing liquid and dry versions.

Liquid Malt Extract vs. Dry Malt Extract xBmt

Episode 110 | Brü & A #10

We made it to episode 110, which means it’s time for another Brü & A! While visiting Yakima, WA for hop harvest, Marshall, Brian, and Jake sat down with some friends to answer listener questions while doing a little imbibing.

Episode 109 | Double Dry Hopping

Dry hopping is a method brewers use to impart hoppy beers like IPA with heaps of hop aroma. While this is commonly done in a single dose, some claim that by making two separate dry hop durations, they get even more desirable hop character in their beer. In this episode, Marshall is joined by Brülosophy contributors Brian Hall and Jake Huolihan as well as professional brewer, Nate Cooper, of Yakima’s Wandering Hop Brewery to discuss the double dry hop method and results from an xBmt on the topic.

Double Dry Hop xBmt

Episode 108 | exBEERience: Brewing Wet Hop Beers w/ Wandering Hop Brewery

Making beer with “wet” hops fresh from the field prior to being dried is an annual tradition for brewers in hop growing regions, as well as many green-thumb homebrewers. Recorded live from Yakima Valley Hops during hop harvest 2020, Marshall and Brian sit down with professional Yakima brewer, Nate Cooper, from Wandering Hop Brewery and The Late Addition podcast’s Kaleb Schwecke to chat about brewing wet hop beers.

Episode 107 | Dry Hop Saturation Point

As brewers of hoppy IPA are well aware, adding hops to fermented beer, aka dry hopping, is known to be the best way to impart heaps of delectable hop character. While it’s commonly believed that “more is better,” researchers from Oregon State University performed a study that called this idea into question. In this episode, Marshall sits down with contributor Cade Jobe to talk about Dr. Tom Shellhammer’s findings suggesting there is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to dry hopping, as well as the results of a Brülosophy xBmt on the topic.

Dry Hop Saturation Point xBmt
Surprising Science Of Dry Hopping by Pat Woodward

Episode 106 | Brü’s Views: On Big Beer

In the worlds of craft beer and homebrewing, it’s common to view “Big Beer,” those massive corporations known for making the most popular backyard BBQ quaffers on the planet, as the epitome of evil. In this episode, Marshall is joined by contributor Matt Del Fiacco as well as his brother-in-law, Joe Schmidt, to share their opinions on Big Beer in general.

Episode 105 | Impact Of Kettle Trub On Pale Lager

It’s commonly believed that kettle trub, the protein-rich gunk that falls to the bottom of the kettle post-boil. should be separated from the wort. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss the impact fermenting a pale lager with high amounts of kettle trub has.

Impact Of Kettle Trub On Pale Lager xBmt

Episode 104 | Short & Shoddy: Vienna Lager

Originating from the beautiful Austrian city from which it gets its name, Vienna Lager is a slightly darker lager style that tends to favor a more characterful malt flavor as compared to other pale lagers. It’s also absolutely delicious! In this episode, contributor Phil Rusher sits down with Marshall to chat about the interesting history of Vienna Lager, traditional methods for brewing it, as well as how one made using Short & Shoddy methods turned out.

Short & Shoddy Vienna Lager

Episode 103 | Decoction Mashing

Way back before we knew as much as we do today about the malting and brewing processes, brewers were forced to develop methods that would allow them to produce a consistent product. One such method involves taking portions of the mash and boiling it before putting it back in the mash to raise the temperature. In this day and age, given the availability of highly modified malts, many have ditched decoction altogether, yet some continue employing the process convinced it has a positive impact on beer character. In this episode, Marshall sits down with contributor Malcolm Frazer to discuss the decoction method as well as the results of a fascinating xBmt on the topic!

Triple Decoction vs. Single Infusion xBmt

Episode 102 | exBEERience: Fermentation Vessels

Fermentation is what turns boring wort into delicious beer, and these days there are numerous options for vessels to ferment in. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to talk about their opinions on the various types of fermentation vessels, from plastic buckets to stainless conicals, based on their experiences.

Episode 101 | Adjusting Mash pH With Acids

Managing mash pH is one way brewers ensure optimal efficiency as well as consistency between batches. For brewers of paler beers, this usually means adjusting the pH down, which can be easily done using various acids. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe sits down with Marshall to discuss mash pH adjustment as well as the results of a couple xBmts comparing different types of acids.

Phosphoric vs. Lactic Acid for Mash pH Adjustment (Malcolm)
Phosphoric vs. Lactic Acid for Mash pH Adjustment (Cade)


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