Author: Martin Keen

Sauergut translates to “sour wort” and is an ingredient that’s commonly used German brewing purists to adjust mash pH, though

Belgian Single is a sessionable, easy drinker with delicious fermentation character and a notably unique level of carbonation. Brülosophy contributor

American Amber Ale is a beer style that came to life in the 1980s and sits somewhere between an American

Fans of The Brülosophy Podcast know that every 10th episode is a question answering show called Brü & A. Today,

As one of the most popular noble hops, it’s no wonder American hop growers began producing their own versions of

A hop stand involves adding hops to partially chilled wort after the boil then letting them steep for 20 minutes

Brülosophy contributor Alex Shanks-Abel isn’t exactly known for sticking to convention. Take this blue beer creation, for example, where Alex

For years, we’ve offered Patrons of Brülosophy the opportunity to participate in live Q&A sessions with notable folks in the

Imagine we handed you some mystery yeast and asked you to brew a beer with it. You can brew any

With juicy Hazy IPA dominating craft beer for the last few years, it’s easy to forget about a related style


Author: Mike Neville The trusty ‘ol hydrometer– a fragile glass tube with graduated markings that’s used for measuring the relative

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