Author: Jordan Folks

Author: Jordan Folks I’ll be the first to admit I enjoy brewing classic styles with traditional ingredients and processes –

Author: Jordan Folks Whereas original versions of IPA tended to balance malt and hops, the last couple decades have seen

Author: Jordan Folks Crisp, clean, and supremely thirst-quenching, American Lager is a style that was highly inspired by their European

Author: Jordan Folks Barley is the cereal grain most associated with brewing, and while the malted sort is the commonly

Author: Jordan Folks In order to make beer, a brewer must first produce wort, which occurs during mash, a process

Author: Jordan Folks Named for the aromatic dance of tropical fruit it imparts to beer, Zamba is the first proprietary

Author: Jordan Folks Clarity may have fallen out of favor with some brewers, but those still interested in producing the

Author: Jordan Folks There are a number of things that go into producing a quality batch of beer, though one

Author: Jordan Folks When it comes to making a high quality batch of beer, there are a few recommendations that

Author: Jordan Folks Schlenkerla Helles is one of the world’s most famous smoked beers, yet oddly enough, smoked malt isn’t


Author: Mike Neville The trusty ‘ol hydrometer– a fragile glass tube with graduated markings that’s used for measuring the relative

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