Author: Jake Huolihan

Author: Jake Huolihan I love beer, but there are certain occasions where consuming alcoholic beverages just isn’t in the cards

Author: Jake Huolihan In order to pack the most punch of hop character into styles like West Coast IPA, New

Author: Jake Huolihan The more, the better. It’s a maxim accepted by many brewers, for example, more hops makes for

Author: Jake Huolihan Brettanomyces (Brett) is a wild yeast that historically was largely considered a spoilage microbe, though these days,

Author: Jake Huolihan Ask any brewer what the difference between an ale and a lager is, and almost certainly the

Author: Jake Huolihan Chilling fermented beer prior to packaging is a step many brewers employ as a means of forcing

Author: Jake Huolihan Despite recent stylistic trends, beer clarity has been a goal for much of modern brewing history and,

Author: Jake Huolihan Dry hopping is a technique that’s said to have originated in Britain as a means of beer

Author: Jake Huolihan Fermentation is the seemingly magical, though scientifically understood, process whereby yeast metabolize sugar to produce both alcohol


Author: Mike Neville The trusty ‘ol hydrometer– a fragile glass tube with graduated markings that’s used for measuring the relative

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