Author: Marshall Schott
As long as I’ve known my wife, Laura, she’s had at least some interest in photography. I sometimes wonder if her relatively new found passion was inspired by my often annoying obsession with homebrewing and the fulfillment she saw it brought me. Whatever the reason, I love it and think it’s pretty rad to have a private documentarion saving beautiful morsels of my family’s life one frame at a time.
At the start of the year, Laura committed to taking and sharing a photo every day of 2015 as a part of the 365 Project (check them out here). Despite being home with 3 kids, maintaining our home, ensuring we all stay alive, doing occasional side-work, and putting up with me, she has admirably stuck to her commitment and produced some truly fantastic images, most focused on our family. When she suggested the idea of photographing some of one of my brew days, I was all over the idea, figuring I might get a cool shot or 2 to use on the site. She finally showed me the photos she took and I knew, whether out of pride for my wife or personal vanity, I didn’t want to keep them to myself. Rather than my typical 4AM start time, I waited a little later for this one– the lighting had to be right, of course. The beers being brewed were for an xBmt I’ve yet to collect data on, so I’m keeping that under wraps for now.
There are a quite a few pics, some are linked to items pictured, most have a caption. If you’ve even the slightest penchant for voyeurism, like me, this may tickle your fancy. Grab a beer, sit back, and enjoy the show.

It was a successful and fun brew day! I love the fact my family gets involved in their own ways, it’s one of the things I appreciate so much about the hobby of homebrewing– I can do it without leaving home. If you want to see what else Laura’s been up to, check out her 365 Project page and give her some love. Cheers all!
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16 thoughts on “A Photogenic Look at an xBmt Brew Day”
Pictures are great!
I like the last black and white, and it would definitely make a great banner. Although, you may want to add the color back to the beer so it doesn’t look like water.
I think its great that you get your son involved. Its good together time for you and there is so much cool science to be learned. He obviously has a very long attention span.
Great pics- the angles and depth are amazing..awesome family..thanks for sharing.. Cheers to you guys.
Great pictures man! My own experience is quite different – my wife and 2 teen daughters run from the “disgusting” smell when I brew. So I unfortunately am left to take my own pics and.. well I just forget most of the time to be honest. Thats awesome that your wife takes lots of pics – thanks for sharing!
Love it! My three year old daughter often comes out to hang with me when I’m brewing. She mostly turns water on and off when I’m chilling the wort or cleaning equipment. Of course, she does a great job. Hopefully I can get her even more involved as she gets older!
Let me know when you post this on Facebook. I’ll share it with our followers.
Awesome pics man!
Austin McLendon Cultured Media O: 512-400-0654 C: 512-757-0069
You got it, Austin, thanks! I’m hoping to get it posted around 3:40pm or so 🙂
I love the pictures, they turned out great. I do have a question, where did you get those white bins you are using to store your grains? They look perfect for bulk storage.
They’re great and will hold 55 lbs of grain! Here’s a link:
Hey great pictures!
Great pics, thanks for sharing. My just today turned 7 y/o boy loves to smell the mash, and pour in the hop additions. Love that he is interested, and very likely learning some things at the same time. (And also sometimes saying: “Dad, you make good beer!” lol.)
Question, looks like you put your strike water in the MLT, as I do, then add the grains. But looks like you are stirring it prior to adding grains to drop the temp. to your desired strike temp? I usually just heat to 175F, and then add the grain, knowing it will level out somewhere in the mid to upper 150(s). Looks like I might need to refine my process somewhat! 😉
Nice, dude, I love that my son enjoys being involved.
Yeah, I’m a nut for precision, whether it matters for not. I add the strike water to the MLT at 7-10˚F above strike temp, close the lid for a few minutes to pre-heat, then stir until it’s about 0.5-1˚F above my strike temp, at which point I mash in and stir until it is just a hair above mash temp to account for temp loss. I’m sure there are other ways that work just as well, it’s just what I’ve settled on because it works for me. Cheers!
Yeah, I like that. I’m going to experiment with that process to try to dial in a more accurate temp. Thanks again, cheers!
Your wife is a wonderful photographer, and you have a wonderfully handsome son. He has a wonderful personality n the photographs.
Thank you!
Great photos & beer!
Here some shoots from homebrewers from La Plata (Argentina): (Me at home!) (friends from Astor Birra beer!)