Author: Marshall Schott
2015 has started off well! So far, my resolution to share the results of 2 exBEERiments per month is looking good– I’ve already posted The Gelatin Effect, I’ve analyzed the data on the second I plan to post in January (just need to write about it), I’m currently collecting data on the first I plan to write-up in February, and I just kegged 2 more xBmt beers. Knowledge is an endless pursuit! As I discussed in my Reflections & Resolutions article, some of my friends have been encouraging me to focus more on making beers I want to drink as opposed to just the xBmt stuff. In fact, one just asked me this morning, “So, what’s the next non-exBEERiment beer you’re making for yourself?” My paraphrased response was that, from this point forward, every xBmt beer will be a recipe I enjoy, mostly because it’s easy for me to make a larger batch, split it, and create an experiment. Why not?! Plus, I get just as much joy out of performing these xBmts as I do drinking the beers. Win-win.
I’ve been an avid listener of The Brewing Network for years– Justin, JP, Jamil, John Palmer, Tasty and everyone else on that immensely knowledgeable crew has gotten me through many a long drive to and from my boring day job. Earlier in 2014 they began broadcasting a new show, Dr. Homebrew, hosted by the IPA-loathing JP (something I can somewhat relate with) with co-hosts Lee Shepherd and Brian Cooper, both BJCP Master Judges. I wasn’t sure how I’d like a show based solely on critiquing homebrewers’ sent-in concoctions, but after months of listening, I can say it has absolutely influenced my own warming-up to judge-hood more than anything else. So, last week I emailed JP and proposed an idea that would stray from the typical format– I asked if he and the guys would be interested in participating in an xBmt. Earlier this week, I received a response and the next day 3 beers were on their way to Concord, CA, marked only with colors that I’ve the key to. I will be attending the recording of the show next Thursday, January 15, it starts at 9:30PM at the BN studio in The Hop Grenade. I believe the show can be watched live through The BN’s Livestream page (please correct me if I’m wrong). My hope is to be in Concord around 5-6PM that night, if you’re in the area and want to hangout, hit me up!
Not a huge deal, I just feel like whining. A couple days ago, my Black Box temp regulator dropped to 32°F to start cold crashing the aforementioned Cal Common sitting in my 15 cu. ft. chest freezer, I bought it from a nice guy off Craigslist a couple years ago after his mother died. Well, when I got home from work last night, 36 hours after the temp drop, I noticed the freezer’s compressor was still running and the temp on the Black Box read 36°F. Fuck. It appears my chamber is twirling the drain :(. This particular freezer has controlled the temps of more beer than any of the others taking up space in my garage brewery. It’s rusty, loud, and dented all over, but it did it’s job and it did it well, I’ll be sad to see it go… and even more sad to have to spend the money to replace it. C’est la vie, c’est la mort, I guess.
Finally, I’ve received a surprising amount of feedback regarding a previous comment I made about selling t-shirts, with a number of folks also recommending bumper stickers and other wares. While this is something I still feel sort of awkward about, I’m starting to think it might be fun as well as a simple way for readers to wear their support of Brulosophy. Besides my own insecurities, the biggest barrier to selling apparel is the huge upfront costs required to keep prices reasonable. Great excuse, until I was directed to a neat website that allows people to sell apparel without any upfront costs and ships directly to consumers. The catch is, a certain number of shirts have to be sold within a set amount of time before they are printed and shipped. Just like Kickstarter, if the goal isn’t reached, no one pays a dime. After reading over the policies and a ton of reviews, I’ve decided this would be the best bet, as it not only requires the least amount of responsibility on my part, but it’ll also allow me to gauge readers’ level of interest in things like this. I consulted with some friends and we created the simple design. Tees are priced at $15 while you can drop $25 for a hoodie. In order for the shirts to be printed and shipped, we have to sell 100 by 11AM on Friday, January 23, 2015. This seems like a crazy amount to me, but hey, if it works, it works. If you’re interested, click the image and you’ll be redirected to my Teespring campaign page where you can take care of business.
I hope 2015 has been treating you all well, cheers!
Support Brülosophy In Style!
All designs are available in various colors and sizes on Amazon!
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| Read More |
18 Ideas to Help Simplify Your Brew Day
7 Considerations for Making Better Homebrew
List of completed exBEERiments
How-to: Harvest yeast from starters
How-to: Make a lager in less than a month
| Good Deals |
Brand New 5 gallon ball lock kegs discounted to $75 at Adventures in Homebrewing
ThermoWorks Super-Fast Pocket Thermometer On Sale for $19 – $10 discount
Sale and Clearance Items at
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21 thoughts on “What’s Brewing At Brülosophy? | Updates, new stuff, and other happenings”
Shirt and hoodie pledged 😀
That was quick. Cheers!
How do you consume all these beers you make?
I host a lot of beer pong parties. And I end up giving a bunch away, usually wherever I end up taking samples for participants.
I’m all over that shirt.2 on their way to the UK
International representation, that’s an odd thought. Cheers, mate!
Another one from Canada 😉
I lived just south of the Canadian border in Bellingham, WA for a few years, worked at a place where a lot of Canadians came to shop, they were always impressed with my ability to pick them out due to their accent… because they really think they don’t have accents. Cheers, buddy!
Been following for awhile……but not in a creepy stalker way!… your posts! Keep em coming…am Paypal ing some cash for you to continue the good work!
Nabbed a shirt with the quickness. You get hawaii representation now. Keep up the good work!
The Mrs might not be enthused, but I am…shirt and hoodie coming to Iowa!
Oh shit, I haven’t even mentioned this to my wife yet! Well… well.
Cheers to you!
35 shirts on the first day, pretty sure you’re going to smash your goal. Shipping to Aus is a sweet bonus, can’t wait to represent!
I’ll be getting my set as well! Also, please toss this into your bucket of a thousand things you have going on, but what about a homebrew club? I know the brewingnetwork has their own competing organization that members can enter competitions under, and allowing us, your loyal followers, to in some way contribute to spreading your great work would be awesome! I know that contests as well as allowing us to contribute to your work was in a previous post, so this may be a great way to find out who is serious and wants to contribute in one fashion or another.
For myself, I am a scientist by occupation as well as by nature, so your process really hits home for me. Being apart of a group of like-minded people whom love beer as much as I do would be excellent.
Also, let us know when and how we will be able to submit our own work to you!
Cheers, Ben
Hey Ben, thanks for the interesting ideas and support! Shoot me an email ( do discuss getting involved with xBmts.
Replacing your old freezer with a new energy efficient model will likely save you a fair amount of money. It probably wont take very long for the new freezer to pay for itself.
My wife said the same thing. Now just to wait for a good deal.
That is awesome that your getting some air time on Dr. Homebrew. I will be listening in. Your following might kick up a notch … be careful what you ask for! Keep it up! BTW – Your TBPA is just about to get cold crashed and hit the keg … and now with a little gelatin. Thanks again.
My following, jeez 😉
TBPA! I love that beer– simple, balanced with a nice earthy hop character, refreshing. I really hope you enjoy it!