Beer Style: International Pale Lager

Author: Will Lovell As one of the newest varieties released by NZ Hops, brewers might expect Superdelic to contribute pungent

Author: Will Lovell The domestic counterpart to one of the most popular noble hop varieties, US Saaz is simply regular

Author: Martin Keen Bred in the 1970’s and released in the 1990’s, CTZ was initially marketed as a high alpha

Author: Martin Keen When hops are added to boiling wort, the isomerization of alpha acids contribute sweetness-balancing bitterness while various

Author: Alex Shanks-Abel Initially bred in 2000 and commercially released in 2009, the Australian hop known as Galaxy experienced a

Author: Alex Shanks-Abel It’s inarguable that preference is highly subjective – what one loves, another may hate. This is just

Author: Jordan Folks Bred in 2004 by New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research, Nectaron was released for public use in

Author: Will Lovell Most brewers are familiar with the term “noble hops,” which refers to a group of 4 classic

Author: Martin Keen Taking its name from a dormant volcano in the country of Georgia, Kazbek hops are often referred

Author: Will Lovell Taking its name from the southwest German town where it was originally cultivated, Tettnanger is one of


Author: Mike Neville The trusty ‘ol hydrometer– a fragile glass tube with graduated markings that’s used for measuring the relative

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